
Chesterton Casts a Spell on Tolkien


My latest piece for the Imaginative Conservative looks at the influence of Chesterton's essay "The Ethics of Elfland" (chapter four of Orthodoxy) on Tolkien's philosophy of myth, as expounded in the latter's famous lecture/essay "On Fairy Stories": The great G.K. Chesterton had a huge impact on my embrace of Christian orthodoxy. It would, in fact, be no exaggeration [...]

Chesterton Casts a Spell on Tolkien2015-10-22T18:04:24-05:00

The Uncommon Sense of MJL


Any of you follow me on facebook or twitter are probably aware that I was at the 34th annual GK Chesterton Conference in San Antonio, TX this past weekend. I was mostly there to work, to promote books and the Catholic Exchange brand but I still got to go out and enjoy the many friends, old [...]

The Uncommon Sense of MJL2015-08-13T19:50:08-05:00

The Evangelizing Power of Beauty


This weekend, along with several hundred other people, I shall be travelling to San Antonio, Texas, which is the venue for this year's annual Chesterton Society conference. I'm speaking on Saturday morning on the topic of Chesterton and Oscar Wilde. On September 1st, I travel to the Archdiocese of Denver to give a talk, at the [...]

The Evangelizing Power of Beauty2015-08-05T05:24:31-05:00
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