Avellina Balestri

About Avellina Balestri

Avellina Balestri (aka Rosaria Marie) is a founding member and Editor-in-Chief of The Fellowship of the King, a Catholic literary magazine merging faith and the liberal arts (which is currently open to submissions). In addition to reading and writing extensively on matters of history, spirituality, and culture, she is also a recording artist, singing traditional folk songs and her own compositions as well as playing the penny whistle and bodhran drum. In all her endeavors, she draws her inspiration from the Ultimate Love and Source of Creativity, and hopes to share that love and creativity with others.

The Games We Play: A Reflection on Competition vs. Sacrifice


Games. Always playing games. Filling up the mind with plotting, and our heart’s surge crested with the thrill. Our little games, so all-important to us in the apex of victory or the crush of defeat, so turbulent as the rush of adrenaline. We are making love with conflict. We love to choose our sides, for our [...]

The Games We Play: A Reflection on Competition vs. Sacrifice2017-06-13T02:09:39-05:00

Pilate and Claudia


This story is a work of historical fiction, based on the Four Canonical Gospels of Holy Scripture, as well as additional information provided by historians such as Josephus, and legendary materials collected from antiquity. The final resolution is my own. *** I am not a monster. I am a man, made of flesh and blood, nerve [...]

Pilate and Claudia2017-04-27T03:48:02-05:00

All Things New: A Passiontide Reflection


Let us who are blind feel your face, the true Green Man, carved in the wood. But the green that you gave to the springtime, the green that you gave to the turning seasons of this world, the turning of the wheel would not give back to you. The trees which you made to blossom and [...]

All Things New: A Passiontide Reflection2017-04-27T03:44:12-05:00

Song of exiles: A reflection on the new York city draft riots of 1863


Hear, O Africa, cradle of humanity’s first dreaming, the cry of your oppressed children rises high above the ocean’s crest. Hear the whip crack, splitting the skin baked brown in your fire-stoked sun. Hear the clank of the shackles, the first time they close around free flesh and bone. Does not all humanity now find itself [...]

Song of exiles: A reflection on the new York city draft riots of 18632017-03-18T22:08:56-05:00

Kingdom come: Five spiritual exercises for lent


Lent is the Christian season of penitence, traditionally practiced through the triple disciplines of fasting, prayer, and almsgiving. It marks the period when Christ spent 40 days in the desert to prepare for his earthly ministry. Also, it is common for those partaking in the season to give up something in particular. However, it should also [...]

Kingdom come: Five spiritual exercises for lent2017-03-02T05:45:32-06:00

Exiles of the world: A reflection on spiritual awareness in troubled times


  The world is turning, faster and faster and faster, and so many of feel as if we’re about to fall off the carousel. We are shocked at the spin, and cannot find our footing. For surely, this has never happened before. Surely, we are the first ones to stand at the edge, and look down [...]

Exiles of the world: A reflection on spiritual awareness in troubled times2017-02-03T04:32:48-06:00

Give Me the Words: A Bardic Rhapsody of Winter Feasts


Give me the words, let them form. The stories that course through my mind, weaving like star-light knotted into pitchers, pouring out the Milky Way across the onyx sky. Give me the words that break the silence, give me the song that conquers fear. Let me feel life in me, hot life, blazing Yule log on [...]

Give Me the Words: A Bardic Rhapsody of Winter Feasts2016-12-13T16:02:19-06:00

And Thy Word Broke Their Swords: The Empowering Depth and Dimension of Christmas


There is more to Christmas than just Christ's birth. It serves as the beginning of epic, and Advent is the prologue whereby we prepare for the first spellbinding chapter. There's a thread running through Christmas that ties into so many other Christological elements, including Christ as Divine Lover, in concert with the poetry of St. John [...]

And Thy Word Broke Their Swords: The Empowering Depth and Dimension of Christmas2016-12-14T15:27:48-06:00

The Diamond of England: The Mission and Martyrdom of St. Edmund Campion


  St. Edmund Campion first became a major part of my life when I was assigned to read Edmund Campion: Hero of God’s Underground by Harold C. Gardiner, S.J. I was in 4th Grade at the time and already fascinated by England thanks to my earlier love-affair with Robin Hood. But the story of Fr. Campion opened up [...]

The Diamond of England: The Mission and Martyrdom of St. Edmund Campion2016-12-08T00:02:25-06:00

To Be a Pilgrim: Thanksgiving as a Pilgrimage


Thanksgiving, for most people here in America, is something of a precursor of Christmas that initiates a deluge of holiday hits playing ad nauseum in public and private locales until sugar plum fairies dance in your worst nightmares. It is a day when family and friends gather together across a table laden with various delicacies erroneously [...]

To Be a Pilgrim: Thanksgiving as a Pilgrimage2016-11-25T05:15:34-06:00
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