Recently I ran across this story from last week’s Lifesitenews:

The government of Alberta feels legally obliged to tell home schooling parents in that Canadian province that they must not teach that homosexuality is a sin, although they may convey their “ideology” in a “family setting.”  This is because “diversity” must be respected.

Presumably, the government of Alberta would also forbid Orthodox Jewish home schooling parents or schools from teaching that the Jews are a people chosen by God. They would also deny the right of Islamic parents or schools from teaching that everyone in the world must convert to Islam. These too would seem to be crimes against “diversity.”

No, I don’t think so. By the way, in neither religion are homosexual acts condoned. They are condemned, and that is what the children of these two faiths are taught.

When is the government of Alberta going to take on Judaism and Islam in a defense of “diversity?”

One wonders how the government of Alberta would verify that Christian home schoolers are breaking the law. Would there by a government watcher in every home schooling classroom? Would the children be encouraged to inform on their parents and teachers, like the little snoop in Orwell’s 1984? 

One might think that some of the personnel of the government of Alberta have become control maniacs. But I think rather what what we see here is one ideology on the attack against what it sees as another ideology. This is a war for minds – and souls.