My touring troupe, The Theater of the Word Incorporated will present Adam and Eve Go to Marriage Counseling, the world’s first comedy based on the “Theology of the Body”.

After thousands of years of marriage, Adam and Eve decide they need a little help, and so they head to marriage counseling. To their surprise, their counselor seems to know a lot more about love and sex and sacrifice than they ever imagined he could – perhaps because of who he really is.

We deal with love, sacrifice, marriage, divorce, chastity, contraception, and all the hot button issues that your priest would get stoned for if he spoke on them from the pulpit. We present these issues in a funny and engaging way, issues that go to the core of Catholic tradition and that have been taught from the beginning – since the “theology of the body” when presented properly is really the “theology of the Body of Christ”, the Church – a reality that points to the great Wedding Feast, the Coming of Our Lord at the End of Time, to us, His bride.

We will be performing Adam and Eve Go to Marriage Counseling on the following dates …

Wednesday, February 8 at The Immaculate Heart of Mary in New Melle, Missouri.

Monday, February 13 at The Boys’ and Girl’s Club (sponsored by St. John the Baptist parish) in Wagner, South Dakota.

Tuesday, March 6 at St. Eugene’s in Yonkers, New York.

These will probably be our only stage performances of this show. Our plan is to film it and upload it as part of Theater of the Word TV, our internet channel, which will debut sometime this summer … if we can find some generous donors or backers (like you)!