• You want to have fun?  Get between an addict and his drug. 


  • “Being Gay” is emblematic for all sin – it is, like all sin, sterile, self-pleasing, rebellious against natural ends, twisted, small-minded, and filled with unhappiness.


  • Most Christians are just like everybody else, only worse.


  • Those with the lowest “self esteem” are, for some reason, those with the most pride; they will protect their lowly egos even if it means killing you.


  • Sin never really makes us happy. 


  • Why don’t people believe in hell after death when they see the hell on earth our sins produce?


  • Those who sin become addicted to sin; it possesses us; it becomes our drug.  Christ found out what it was like when you come between an addict and his drug.


  • “I am somebody!” is only the refrain of someone who doesn’t quite believe he is anybody.


  • To follow the letter of the law, but kill the spirit of the law is an insidious lawlessness.


  • If you want to end in misery, give your life over to sin.