
About Brendan King

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So far Brendan King has created 64 blog entries.

An Interview with a Convert from Islam to Christianity


An interview with Nesreen Irsan Beavers, whose conversion from Islam to Christianity caused her father, her step-mother, and all her siblings to mark her and her new loved ones for death. And this was not in the Middle East; it was in Houston, Texas.

An Interview with a Convert from Islam to Christianity2020-04-09T20:40:13-05:00

An Interview with Poet Rhina Espaillat


Rhina P. Espaillat, a Dominican immigrant to the United States, has been publishing her poetry since the 1940s. She has translated many of the greatest works of Spanish and Latin American poetry into English, while also translating the poetry of Robert Frost and Richard Wilbur into Spanish. Espaillat has also taught classes at the Westchester Poetry [...]

An Interview with Poet Rhina Espaillat2020-03-17T01:31:20-05:00

A Parody of Gerard Manley Hopkins


"Fried Beauty."By R.S. Gwynn.Glory be to God for breaded things —Catfish, steak finger, pork chop, chicken thigh, Sliced green tomatoes, pots full to the brim With french fries, fritters, life-float onion rings, Hushpuppies, okra golden to the eye, That in all oils, corn or canola, swimToward mastication’s maw (O molared mouth!); Whatever browns, is dumped to drain and dry On paper towels’ [...]

A Parody of Gerard Manley Hopkins2020-03-04T02:10:13-06:00

The West Chester Poetry Conference


In 1995, poets Dana Gioia and Scott Peich realized, after working their way through a bottle of Pinot Noir, that there was no place in America where young poets could go to learn the traditional craft of poetry in a systematic way. In response, they created the West Chester Poetry Conference, which is still going strong [...]

The West Chester Poetry Conference2020-03-04T02:11:57-06:00

An Interview with Poet A.E. Stallings


The following video is a brief interview with A.E. Stallings, an American poet who lives in Greece with her husband and children, writes rhymed poetry, and translates the Greek classics. It's well worth watching:

An Interview with Poet A.E. Stallings2020-03-04T02:13:40-06:00

An Interview with Poet Dick Davis


As Iran is again in the news, I am going to post the following interview with English poet Dick Davis. Davis lived in Tehran during the reign of the last Shah and married an Iranian woman. Since the Islamic Revolution made him and his wife into exiled, Davis has used his knowledge of bother the language [...]

An Interview with Poet Dick Davis2020-02-24T17:46:13-06:00

Why the Hammer and Sickle Should Be Treated Like the Swastika


If someone were to ask you to think of either extreme of the political spectrum, odds are you would immediately picture a swastika at one end and a hammer and sickle at the other. Regardless of your views on the left-right paradigm or whether or not you subscribe to horseshoe theory, we (rightfully) tend to perceive [...]

Why the Hammer and Sickle Should Be Treated Like the Swastika2020-02-21T17:30:21-06:00

Japanese Chess


This article appeared in an 1869 issue of the British periodical "Chess World". "JAPANESE CHESS." The following interesting article appeared lately in "The Philadelphia Daily Bulletin" :— All of our readers, of course, remember the visit of the Japanese Embassy to our shores eight years ago. On their arrival in this city we determined to convert [...]

Japanese Chess2017-10-22T21:15:28-05:00
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