
About Dena Hunt

Dena Hunt's first novel, Treason (Sophia Institute Press), won the IPPY Gold Medal. Her second, The Lion’s Heart (Full Quiver Press), won the Catholic Arts and Letters Achievement award. Jazz & Other Stories, her third book, has just been published by Wiseblood Books. She is the book review editor of St. Austin Review.

Taking the Heat


Some of my earliest memories are those of primitive country people. You might say “superstitious” except that so many of those beliefs have proven true. One of them is an ability to take the heat away from another’s burn. If one of us children burned ourselves, perhaps on a hot kettle, we ran to my grandmother, [...]

Taking the Heat2021-11-29T15:47:39-06:00



At the Religion News website, , there’s a report of a growing number of people in Italy seeking “de-baptism,” a process by which a baptized Catholic removes the record of his baptism. According to the article, the practice is not confined to Italy, but that’s where someone has started counting; there are at least 100,000 de-baptisms so [...]


The Need to Hate


There is something in people that can only be described as a need to hate. René Girard explicated this need in his scapegoat theory: People find unity in a shared hatred for an appointed scapegoat on whom they can lay their sins (and their blame) for all that is deemed wrong or evil within the group/ tribe/ family/ [...]

The Need to Hate2021-11-03T01:27:00-05:00

For the Pariah


You offer your heart, your love, your labor, your time, everything you have. And no one wants it. You, and all that you have to give, are discarded like trash. This happens not just sometimes, but always, both with persons and with groups of all kinds, within your family, at work, in your church. It evolves [...]

For the Pariah2021-09-02T16:55:36-05:00

Childhood and Old Age


I used to say that I wanted to “grow up into childhood”. Now in my old age, I think about that statement and about my childhood. Certainly, it was not the kind of childhood anyone would want. Much of it was brutal poverty, deprivation of all sorts of things considered fundamental for a happy, healthy child [...]

Childhood and Old Age2021-08-09T14:19:08-05:00

“I’m Sorry”


Guilt has become a term for psychological or emotional disorder rather than what it actually is, which is responsibility for one’s acts, decisions, choices. As a neurosis, it allows you to be the hero of some emotional melodrama in which you are plagued by feelings of guilt and must go on some heroic quest to redeem [...]

“I’m Sorry”2021-07-12T06:05:19-05:00

St. Thomas Reconsidered on His Feast Day


He frequently gets a bit of bad press, but I always felt that I get St. Thomas. That rather negative appendage, Doubting Thomas, makes him sound petulant, stubborn. But who was it he was doubting in the moment? Not his Lord, but his fellow disciples—other people. And can we blame him? That which was dearer to him than [...]

St. Thomas Reconsidered on His Feast Day2021-07-05T22:05:39-05:00

American Philosophy


Although the United States is a young country compared with the nations of Europe, we have the oldest standing government; that is, our government is unchanged since its birth. I may well be wrong about this. Apolitical by both temperament and conviction, political history is not my strong suit. Nevertheless, I think that what is unique [...]

American Philosophy2021-06-16T22:45:19-05:00

Dealing with Devil Worshippers


Chesterton on chasing hats and diabolists....

Dealing with Devil Worshippers2021-05-24T23:18:05-05:00

O Happy Fall!


Milton’s famous phrase from Paradise Lost has been used in countless contexts, in print or in private. Meant to exclaim that it was because of man’s fall that Christ came, and implying, for those who wonder about such things, Would Christ not have come if we had not sinned and made his coming necessary for our salvation? Did [...]

O Happy Fall!2021-05-24T23:08:01-05:00
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