
About Dena Hunt

Dena Hunt's first novel, Treason (Sophia Institute Press), won the IPPY Gold Medal. Her second, The Lion’s Heart (Full Quiver Press), won the Catholic Arts and Letters Achievement award. Jazz & Other Stories, her third book, has just been published by Wiseblood Books. She is the book review editor of St. Austin Review.

Memory and Prophecy


Many years ago, during the height of my Tolkien obsession, I engaged in online chat with other Middle-Earth inhabitants. We covered topics like “Where would you have lived in Middle-Earth?” Most chatters said they would have lived in the Shire; some said Rivendell. I knew I would have lived in Lothlorien. When the topic of immortal [...]

Memory and Prophecy2020-11-22T23:48:15-06:00

Sex Revisited


Several years ago, when I was still teaching Freshman English at a local university, I wrote a post about the coming death of sex. I reported that I’d held a class discussion on the subject, and more or less polled my students. On the basis of that discussion, I concluded that sex was dying. There were [...]

Sex Revisited2020-11-09T18:10:57-06:00

Trust 2


Nowhere is the devastation of betrayal depicted more clearly than in Henry James’ Washington Square. Set in 1840s New York, it is the story of the daughter of a widowed physician who feels burdened by the plain and dull daughter of his brilliant and beautiful wife. Catherine is completely unaware of her father’s disappointment in her. She adores [...]

Trust 22020-11-02T05:25:13-06:00

St. John Henry Newman for All Souls Day


Joseph Pearce writes: In this week's Inner Sanctum I read and discuss three poems by St. John Henry Newman for All Souls Day. We also continue on our pilgrimage to Rome with Hilaire Belloc, hearing him wax lyrical on Europe and the Faith. Beginning a discussion of The Aeneid, I consider the extent to which Virgil's epic [...]

St. John Henry Newman for All Souls Day2020-10-30T07:53:53-05:00



Trust is an astonishing thing. Think of relationships of all kinds--siblings, parents, spouses, friends, the relationship we have with our bosses or employees, and even the reliance we have on government agencies, on teachers, police, doctors—and our expectations of drivers in traffic. All of these and countless other relationships are based on trust. The plaintive words of Blanche [...]




In the New Oxford Review headlines today, Pope Francis is reported to have said that money is the “new idolatry”. I couldn’t help thinking what was new about that. Preachers of all sorts have said that ever since I can remember. “You cannot serve both God and mammon” is a Scripture we all must have heard [...]


A Bit Different


This is a photo, sent by a friend, of a gathering for prayer in Washington today. The gathering was called by Franklin Graham in an appeal to people to pray for our country. You probably won’t see it on the news. There was no violence, just prayer.

A Bit Different2020-09-29T02:16:29-05:00

A Lovely Afternoon


These past six months I have lived in isolation. No Mass, no shopping, no volunteer work, no social life. I am old, I have a serious respiratory illness for which I take a daily medication that suppresses the immune system. According to medical advice, I shouldn’t go anywhere public unless really necessary. A neighbor shops for [...]

A Lovely Afternoon2020-09-14T21:28:23-05:00

Secret Ballot


The news is horrifying. I would never have thought the United States could be in such disarray, such violent disarray. I lived through the sixties, but it wasn’t like this. Protests were actually protests and not riots, no real violence, no arson, no killing. And most important, no willful disobedience on the part of elected city [...]

Secret Ballot2020-09-04T22:38:32-05:00

Small Towns


I used to teach at a high school in a small, isolated rural town in Georgia. I arrived there already in my forties and already formed as an adult, not really subject to the formative process that I would have undergone if I’d been a new young teacher. People who visited there said it was like [...]

Small Towns2020-09-02T01:02:23-05:00
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