
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Join Joseph Pearce for an Evening with Shakespeare the Catholic


Join Joseph Pearce for a two-hour lecture for the Institute of Catholic Culture on Tuesday, June 29: “Mark the Music! An Introduction to the Poetic Voice of William Shakespeare”:

Join Joseph Pearce for an Evening with Shakespeare the Catholic2021-06-25T04:22:25-05:00

Sol Pais and the Marketplace of Alienation


Sol Pais, the 18-year-old high school senior from Miami who led police in Colorado on a 24-hour manhunt, fearing that she would mark the twentieth anniversary of Columbine by shooting kids with a gun she had purchased, is dead, a victim of suicide.   USA Today linked to her blog.  It is filled with journal entries [...]

Sol Pais and the Marketplace of Alienation2019-04-18T16:16:04-05:00

Benedict and the Repair of the Vineyard


  I have been waiting seventeen years for this.   Since the sex scandal in the Church became a major issue in 2002, no bishop or pope has addressed the situation with candor, and no bishop or pope has looked at the underlying issues.     Until now.   “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI has written an [...]

Benedict and the Repair of the Vineyard2019-04-15T04:41:09-05:00

The Flannery O’Connor Online Book Club


I've started an online book club to discuss the works of Flannery O'Connor! I will post a monthly commentary on a different story, essay or letter and readers may join the discussion by commenting in the comment section.  We will also host occasional live meetings. Here's the website -

The Flannery O’Connor Online Book Club2018-07-26T00:55:04-05:00

No Hell Below Us, Above Us Only Sky


It's almost a commonplace that hell is never mentioned in most Catholic homilies anymore, nor is it even alluded to.  But it's even more of a problem that heaven, while never mentioned by name (out of embarrassment, I think), is even more misunderstood than hell. As to the banishment of hell, you need look no further [...]

No Hell Below Us, Above Us Only Sky2017-10-21T04:23:42-05:00

Naming the Heresy


From an email to a friend ... *** I keep searching for the name of the general attitude that unites liberal Catholics (including some bishops and cardinals) with the gender-bending secularists of our day.  I'm trying to find a better word than "Modernism", which is too vague and has lost most of its punch.  The key [...]

Naming the Heresy2017-10-10T00:21:23-05:00

Little Saints of the Poor


I'm always crabby when I go to Sunday Mass.  If I were the perfect Catholic, this would not be the case.  But I am not the perfect Catholic. For one thing, I don't like doing anything on Sundays.  For another, the homilies are always insipid and the music makes me want to throw things and hurt [...]

Little Saints of the Poor2017-09-12T18:24:31-05:00

Our Insipid Faith


From an email to a student ... Today I wanted to quote one short Bible verse that really struck home for me yesterday. You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how will it be made salty again? It is good for nothing anymore, except to be thrown out and [...]

Our Insipid Faith2017-08-23T16:32:24-05:00

Maturity in Christ


From an email to a friend ... *** This week, in my regular Scripture readings, I read Ephesians chapter 4, which is pretty much the heart of Paul's theology of regeneration in Christ.  It is the great and profound mystery that we don't hear a whisper of from the pulpit - at least I haven't in [...]

Maturity in Christ2017-07-23T03:01:42-05:00

St. Flannery’s Epistles to Miss A.


I am reading Flannery's O'Connor's letters.  I was bored until her correspondence from 1955.  Before then, she was writing to friends about money, book deals, things she was reading.  But in 1955, she took up a correspondence with a woman from Atlanta, a Pagan pantheist / agnostic who is referred to as "Miss A."  Suddenly Flannery [...]

St. Flannery’s Epistles to Miss A.2017-06-20T01:45:17-05:00
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