
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

A Soul Mate from your Zip Code


Re. the Catholic Dating thing.  A reader wrote to suggest that by using the term "non-sexual hook-up", I could be inadvertently doing some damage, as many guys and gals who at least have friendships with one another will now begin to second-guess themselves.  "Oh no!  This could be a non-sexual hook-up!  Maybe it's not a simple friendship! [...]

A Soul Mate from your Zip Code2014-08-15T05:48:19-05:00

Depression and the Great Lie


The liar spinning his lies. The suicide of Robin Williams has led to a number of posts on the internet about depression.  Both this one and this one are well worth the read. It may be presumptuous of me to add anything, as my own personal pain has been quite mild by comparison.  Not that I [...]

Depression and the Great Lie2014-08-13T19:32:57-05:00

Spayed Sentiments and Sterilized Sex: More on Catholic Dating


Flannery speaks ... read on! I'm going to tie together some threads that have been hanging loose in my posts on Catholic Dating. Remember what Chesterton said ... To love a thing without wishing to fight for it is not love at all; it is lust. It may be an airy, philosophical, and disinterested lust… but [...]

Spayed Sentiments and Sterilized Sex: More on Catholic Dating2014-08-13T06:05:18-05:00

The Day I was Almost Murdered - and What It Taught Me about Love


The Princess, The Dragon, St. George (see Chesterton's quotation below) He was a violent man.  And he tried to kill me. It was the first time a murder almost happened during one of our murder mysteries. He had been raised in one of the most culturally depraved parts of Missouri, and his family history included a [...]

The Day I was Almost Murdered - and What It Taught Me about Love2014-08-10T06:37:30-05:00

Catholic Dating and the Death of Eros


My two posts on the challenges of Catholic dating (Where are All the Good Catholic Men? and Some Good Catholic Men Answer the Question, "Where are All the Good Catholic Men?") have touched a nerve.  There are many thoughtful comments on my blog, and many more on Facebook. On Facebook, one of the comments connects the [...]

Catholic Dating and the Death of Eros2014-08-07T19:47:18-05:00

Some Good Catholic Men Answer the Question, “Where are All the Good Catholic Men?”


Jeremy can't see Candace tonight.  He's "discerning". There were some very thoughtful comments on my post Where are All the Good Catholic Men? - and some are on my blog, but others were on Facebook.  Here are some highlights. Brian Lester said ... I think there's several concurrent phenomena.  1) It's certainly the case that young Catholic [...]

Some Good Catholic Men Answer the Question, “Where are All the Good Catholic Men?”2014-08-06T22:47:58-05:00

Where are All the Good Catholic Men?


Single Catholic guy "discerning". Having witnessed a few mating dances at the Chesterton Conference this past weekend, the weird and distressing situation among single Catholics mystifies me. A Facebook friend has drawn my attention to an article by Devin Rose entitled Single Catholic Guy - Wake Up! Here's how it begins ... It’s never been a [...]

Where are All the Good Catholic Men?2014-08-06T02:27:35-05:00

The Cult of Chesterton and the Grace of God


MYSTICISM in its noblest sense, mysticism as it existed in St. John, and Plato, and Paraceleus, and Sir Thomas Browne, is not an exceptionally dark and secret thing, but an exceptionally luminous and open thing. It is in reality too clear for most of us to comprehend, and too obvious for most of us to see. [...]

The Cult of Chesterton and the Grace of God2014-08-04T22:38:19-05:00

The Mysterious Grace of Conversion


I was an atheist at age nine.  I was spiritual but not religious at age 18.  I had a surprising and profound conversion experience when I was 36.  And on July 30, 2000 - fourteen years ago today - my wife and I were received into the Catholic Church.  I was 39 at the time. I [...]

The Mysterious Grace of Conversion2014-07-31T02:12:40-05:00

Parsing Tolkien’s Letter on Love and Romance


Tolkien's amazing letter to his son Michael deserves a closer look.  Here it is again, with some commentary by me in boldface.   *** A man's dealings with women can be purely physical (they cannot really, of course: but I mean he can refuse to take other things into account, to the great damage of his [...]

Parsing Tolkien’s Letter on Love and Romance2014-07-25T05:22:39-05:00
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