
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Radical Christianity


Every now and then, Catholic sites on the internet rise above petty squabbles and inside-the-Roman-beltway gossip and, seemingly out of nowhere, prophecy pours forth. Take, for example, an October 2012  post by Fr. Dwight Longenecker.  Fr. Dwight for some reason shared some excerpts from this post on Facebook today, even though the original was published 18 months [...]

Radical Christianity2014-03-24T04:19:35-05:00

The Rules of Engagement


Some friends and I have been discussing the implications of Tolkien's advice to his son on sex, which I posted about yesterday here and here.  The subject of chivalry has come up.  I write ... Once it became clear that the Second Coming would not be immediate, and that most people had to do the Martha [...]

The Rules of Engagement2014-03-18T21:13:32-05:00

Our Father Who Art … Here!


Just today I wrote Tolkien, Sex and the Central Challenge of the Church - which is about JRR Tolkien's view of the dangers of sex.  Just two days ago I wrote Our Father Who Art ... Where?, which is about the absence of fathers and fathering both in our culture and in the Church. It strikes me [...]

Our Father Who Art … Here!2014-03-18T03:06:03-05:00

Tolkien, Sex and the Central Challenge of the Church


Elsewhere at the Ink Desk, Josseph Pearce has linked to this article - From Father to Son: JRR Tolkien on Sex. It's fascinating stuff.  Here's a sample (my emphasis) ... "The devil is endlessly ingenious, and sex is his favorite subject," Tolkien insisted. "He is as good every bit at catching you through generous romantic or [...]

Tolkien, Sex and the Central Challenge of the Church2014-03-18T03:04:43-05:00

Our Father Who Art … Where?


Mindy (not her real name) was one of my actresses.  She turned 30 and panicked.  She paid thousands of dollars to a dating service and began hyper-dating, a lunch date and a dinner date every day with a different guy for several weeks straight. Finally she settled on a guy who proposed to her.  Disaster was [...]

Our Father Who Art … Where?2014-03-16T23:09:21-05:00

Folk Art, Pop Art and Mid-Western Wine


I've just come back from a rather remarkable tour in which I became the only person on Earth to see the Walter Cronkite Memorial, the Jolly Green Giant Statue, Three Stooges Totem Pole Yard Art, and the Future Birthplace of Captain James T. Kirk on one trip. And here's my photo essay to prove it.  National [...]

Folk Art, Pop Art and Mid-Western Wine2014-03-10T19:49:00-05:00

Beatle Juice - Concentrate!


I've been asked by (that's right, to post something about the Beatles. This is because Beatle fans are currently celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Fab Four's first tour of the United States - and Vegas promoters are involved because there's quite a few Beatle-themed shows, venues and events going on there, which you [...]

Beatle Juice - Concentrate!2014-03-06T06:48:37-06:00

What Hath the Internet Wrought?


We keep forgetting that we have just a few years experience of this new technology and we are utterly unprepared for how it affects our souls. For instance, throughout all of Christian history, if a married man started to spend too much time alone with a single woman, everyone in town would talk and the parish [...]

What Hath the Internet Wrought?2014-03-05T16:26:30-06:00

Shopping Malls, the Beatles and the God of our Desire


Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Ps. 37:4) But what are the "desires of your heart"?   For the Westians it's sexual license and an all-you-can-eat dessert buffet.  For them and for many quasi-secularists in the Church this beautiful verse from Psalm 37 isn't echoed by Jesus Christ [...]

Shopping Malls, the Beatles and the God of our Desire2014-03-02T00:22:44-06:00

The Science of Love


But I have this against you, that you have left your first love. - (Rev. 2:4) How to love is the central problem of our lives as Christians.  It is a sorely neglected topic. Because it is neglected, people like Christopher West are able to say things that they claim are about love, but are simply [...]

The Science of Love2014-02-26T01:47:09-06:00
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