
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Preacher’s Wife


The book of Ecclesiastes can elicit many responses.  Most moderns love the thing, but it has always struck me as being something that only a bored urbanite could produce.  I had some friends before my conversion who were the sort of people the Preacher is in this book - sophisticated to the point of resigned complacency. [...]

The Preacher’s Wife2014-02-24T00:34:58-06:00

God and Puppy Love


In Colossians 1:28, St. Paul says Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. I commented a few days ago that "maturity in Christ" is an unheard of concept these days - at least unheard of from the pulpit. What I mean by that is [...]

God and Puppy Love2014-02-23T02:55:14-06:00

Mocking God


Saul prophesying at Ramah - David Martin (1639-1721) Yesterday I wrote about Bad Theater and Bad Liturgy. Today I'm wondering - how did we get here?  How did we get to a point where we allow offensive art to be spread around on the streets of our cities, streets where children and families walk?  How do [...]

Mocking God2014-02-21T05:54:40-06:00

Bad Theater and Bad Liturgy


So I'm in Phoenix this week and I was forced to go to a luncheon performance of a play that I had no interest in seeing.  It was a One-Act for Black History Month. That's right, a luncheon one-act for Black History Month.   Yes, it was as awful as it sounds. And it's downtown.  And [...]

Bad Theater and Bad Liturgy2014-02-20T05:10:41-06:00

Answers to a Soul in Torment


The Minotaur A correspondent has written me a long email that is a cry for help from the depths of doubt. I will paraphrase some of what this correspondent wrote to me, and give here some of the answers I gave in the email.  I hope it helps those of you who may be in a [...]

Answers to a Soul in Torment2014-02-16T10:13:42-06:00

My Life in Show Business


Here's a run down of the past 72 hours. On Thursday, I worked from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm recording and editing the audio book version of In His Image by James Beau-Seigneur.  This is exhausting, as it requires sitting in one position and performing all the characters and reading aloud for (in this case) 10 [...]

My Life in Show Business2014-02-10T02:28:06-06:00

Joseph Pearce and J. R. R. Tolkien


In case you haven't seen it, Marcus Grodi interviewed Joseph Pearce on The Journey Home this week.  Joseph talks about his journey from hate-filled neo-Nazi skinhead and prison inmate to loving Christian author, husband and father.  It's a remarkable story, and Joseph tells it as well in his book Race with the Devil.   You can [...]

Joseph Pearce and J. R. R. Tolkien2014-02-06T06:29:53-06:00

The Greatest Shaw on Earth


Here I am as George Bernard Shaw promoting Blackbird Theater's upcoming production of Man and Superman: nbsp;  If you're anywhere near Nashville, Tennessee - go and see this show!

The Greatest Shaw on Earth2014-01-05T23:35:44-06:00

The Duck Dynasty Clan are the Best Public Catholics in America


This needs to be said, now that the Phil Robertson controversy has settled down with A&E caving and with the Robertsons agreeing (as they always have) that True Tolerance (tolerance of sinners, but not of sin) is a Christian virtue. Karen and I have just finished reading the autobiographies of Phil, Si and Willie Robertson, three of [...]

The Duck Dynasty Clan are the Best Public Catholics in America2013-12-30T01:41:22-06:00

Christmas as D-Day


The Mithraic god aion We are, as Christians, not of this world.  “The world from which we must be detached, the world that is Satan’s kingdom, is not the planet, not matter, but our own greed and lust for it. The word for ‘World’ in the New Testament is aiōn. It is a time word, not [...]

Christmas as D-Day2013-12-24T18:51:33-06:00
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