
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.



There are certain people who will treat you with contempt no matter what you do, no matter what you offer them in the way of graciousness or good will.  It is a mistake to think that by offering kindness and forgiveness we will get similar treatment back in return.  We should offer without thought of return, [...]


Evil at Work


You want to get attacked by the forces of darkness and irrationality? Make observations about nature - particularly human nature, particularly virtue as it relates to human nature, particularly to the obvious difference between the sexes.  Let a secular audience on Facebook find out that you actually believe that men and women are different, and you'll [...]

Evil at Work2013-11-25T21:54:57-06:00

The Hobbit and EWTN


Joseph Pearce writes ... I'm at EWTN at the moment and had a sneak preview of the forthcoming Hobbit special on which we worked. It's truly superb and you are as wonderful as ever! It's being aired on December 5th. Can't wait to see it! We filmed two specials - one on The Hobbit and one [...]

The Hobbit and EWTN2013-11-22T22:44:41-06:00

Shakespeare - Private Papist


Blog reader Rob Crisell, who is affiliated with Shakespeare in the Vines in California, sent along something I have never seen before - an icon of William Shakespeare.  I imagine it's the only one that exists.  The Latin phrase means Private Papist, a reference to the fact that Will was a secret Catholic at a time [...]

Shakespeare - Private Papist2013-11-21T04:08:57-06:00

Love and Truth, Beauty and the Beast, Hamlet and the Rest of Life


Love and truth will meet; justice and peace will kiss. (Ps. 85:10) The meeting of love and truth is truly divine.  Sometimes this is translated "Mercy and truth will meet" or "Love and Fidelity will meet".  Either way, the point is that loving kindness can overcome the ugly truth, and faithfully so. There is the great [...]

Love and Truth, Beauty and the Beast, Hamlet and the Rest of Life2013-11-21T03:22:14-06:00

C.S. Lewis at the Threshold


OK, this will offend some of you, but please understand, as we approach the 50th anniversary of the death of C. S. Lewis, that while he was the first writer who opened the door of the Faith to me, and not to begrudge him in any way, still something needs to be said.  I wrote to [...]

C.S. Lewis at the Threshold2013-11-19T21:30:36-06:00

Jesus Christ and Hell


How can we deny hell when so many of us have been there and back again? There's a story by Flannery O'Connor called "The Artificial Nigger".  That title is certainly offensive, but it needs to be.  The story is about the most offensive thing in the universe - sin; and not just the word sin, but [...]

Jesus Christ and Hell2013-11-12T16:57:35-06:00

Theological Rewrite


I've been hired to rewrite the above ad to reflect a greater theological accuracy. "Sadly, many of our beloved senior customers have gone to heaven.  Or possibly to hell.  Old Lady Bernice - yeah, she's in hell.  Purgatory for some, I imagine - though von Balthazar would suggest that there is the outside shot that all [...]

Theological Rewrite2013-11-06T19:09:15-06:00

The Great Evil of Daylight Savings Time???


My Conspiracy Theory friends are (strange as it sounds) very angry at Daylight Saving Time, claiming it's the government's way of asserting arbitrary power over us, that it represents man's insane assertion of human will over Nature.  After arguing with them all day yesterday, I've finally come up with a post that should suffice. You might [...]

The Great Evil of Daylight Savings Time???2013-11-05T19:07:13-06:00

Sanity and Sanctity


Joseph Pearce writes (my emphasis) ... Yesterday, for the Feast of Christ the King in the Old Calendar, I had the inestimable joy of being present at a solemn choral Mass in the Extraordinary Form at Prince of Peace Catholic church in Taylors, South Carolina, which was followed by a Eucharistic Procession  and Benediction. The Mass was [...]

Sanity and Sanctity2013-10-31T02:14:34-05:00
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