
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

What is the Soul?


What is the soul?  It is not the ghost in the machine of our bodies. This is the soul.  Read on.  It's dense, but I paraphrase after.  From Eric Voegelin: Philosopher of History by Eugene Webb ,,,  If we consider that human existence is constituted as a tension of longing or striving toward conscious participation in reality and [...]

What is the Soul?2017-06-05T18:58:58-05:00

What It’s All About


There's a Life Magazine special issue out about Mary. At the end of the main article, the writer laments, "If only we had a simply human Mary, that would be enough." My reaction: We do have a simply human Mary.  No orthodox Christian has ever believed or taught that Mary is anything other than human.  So [...]

What It’s All About2017-05-09T17:34:39-05:00

Acting and Appearances


SCTV's Bobby Bitman used to say, "As a comic, in all seriousness".  Perhaps I should say, "As an actor, in all sincerity ..." because, of course, acting is the opposite of sincerity in the same way that comedy is the opposite of seriousness. But that's not really true.  Good acting is authentic or sincere at a [...]

Acting and Appearances2017-05-08T04:26:35-05:00

Porn, Facebook and Human Nature


Yesterday Rod Dreher posted an article on pornography on his site.  He begins it with this ... Whenever I go to a Christian college to speak, I talk to professors, staffers, and campus ministers about what they’re seeing among the students. Two things always come up: 1) far too many of their students know next to [...]

Porn, Facebook and Human Nature2017-05-04T01:47:53-05:00

The Rohr of the Crowd


Recently a friend of mine asked me what I thought of Fr. Richard Rohr, and I dismissed him with some sort of comment such as, "Oh, Rohr's books are tea table twaddle." And, according to Dan Burke, there are, apparently, concerns about Rohr's orthodoxy. But, while researching something else on the internet, I came upon a link [...]

The Rohr of the Crowd2017-05-01T23:46:49-05:00

Why Seems It So Particular with Thee?


John Henry Newman on a problem he noticed roughly 200 years ago ... It is very much the fashion at present to regard the Saviour of the world in an irreverent and unreal way—as a mere idea or vision ... [offering] vague statements about His love ... [and] while the thought of Christ is but a [...]

Why Seems It So Particular with Thee?2017-04-19T20:55:22-05:00

Why I Believe


I became an atheist at age 9.   I became Catholic (of all things!) 30 years later.  This, after hating Catholics most of my life and agreeing with all of my artistic and theatrical friends that the Catholic Church was ridiculous at best, contemptuous at worst. But, even now 17 years after my reception into the [...]

Why I Believe2017-04-15T17:03:33-05:00

Reason vs. Ideology


Here's a brief outline of Eric Voegelin's lecture "In Search of the Ground", with quotations.   I. THE GROUND (Greek: αἴτιον) is the source of our being and our particularity (THE GROUND is GOD, viewed as a philosophical concept and not as a Person.) There the quest of the ground has been formulated in two principal [...]

Reason vs. Ideology2017-03-29T21:25:04-05:00

The Chain of Unbelief


In his sermon "The Christian Ministry", Bl. John Henry Newman lays out for us a possible chain of unbelief.  Note that you can start this chain anywhere, but Newman starts it from the point of view of someone who doubts the Priesthood.  Doubt that Christ commissioned the Apostles, and set aside a group of men as [...]

The Chain of Unbelief2017-03-27T23:58:07-05:00

A Slice of Pie for the Pietists


In his essay "Democracy and Industrial Society", Eric Voegelin (alluding to Ernest Renan) speaks of three foundational elements in Western society: Hellenistic Philosophy, Jewish-Christian Religion and Roman Administrative Order.  In shorthand, this means our society has the constituitive elements of   Reason (studium, the School) Revelation (sacerdotium, the Church, priests) Power (imperium, the administration of justice [...]

A Slice of Pie for the Pietists2017-04-07T00:23:25-05:00
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