
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Chesterton and Hollywood


A great article on Breitbart about Theater of the Word actor Kaiser Johnson (recent winner of Spellmageddon on ABC Family).  I get a passing mention in it as well ... but the article is really about our 300 pound cigar smoking saint, G. K. Chesterton. Chesterton in Hollywood, no less. Be sure to read it! Kaiser and [...]

Chesterton and Hollywood2013-08-31T18:46:32-05:00

What Hath Relativism Wrought - or - Why Miles is Not Really the Problem


The Dictatorship of Obama is achieving its goals without opposition from his party, the media or Congress, leading us into yet another theater in the never-ending war. The Dictatorship of Relativism is achieving its primary goal, which is and always has been the Abolition of Nature, recently displaying itself on the theater of television as Miley [...]

What Hath Relativism Wrought - or - Why Miles is Not Really the Problem2013-08-29T19:17:35-05:00

Disney, Pornography, Gay Marriage, Capitalism


On the one hand, the Beast has been let out of its cage. Miley Cyrus being attractive. On the other, the Banker is holding the chain. *** Bearing Blog writes ...  I have taken to viewing the “Disney sweetheart” phenomenon as a trap: a role-model time bomb, set on purpose to go off for maximum impact, [...]

Disney, Pornography, Gay Marriage, Capitalism2013-08-28T06:12:11-05:00

Oscar Wilde - Modern Theologian


Speaking as a sinner - that is, with some authority - I can tell you that one of the great barricades to repentance is an unwillingness to feel shame for our sins.  Shame is such an ugly, unpleasant thing.  It is that great sense of inner conviction that we're awfully rotten people after all.  And so [...]

Oscar Wilde - Modern Theologian2013-08-26T21:58:50-05:00

Oscar Wlide’s Breakthrough


I bore up against everything with some stubbornness of will and much rebellion of nature, till I had absolutely nothing left in the world but one thing. I had lost my name, my position, my happiness, my freedom, my wealth. I was a prisoner and a pauper. But I still had my children left. Suddenly they [...]

Oscar Wlide’s Breakthrough2013-08-26T05:36:03-05:00

Paradox and Perversion


There is a striking line by Oscar Wilde in De Profundis, written in prison, reflecting with great grief upon his devotion to sodomy, the acts which ruined his life and landed him behind bars ... What the paradox was to me in the sphere of thought, perversity became to me in the sphere of passion. He's [...]

Paradox and Perversion2013-08-26T04:50:09-05:00

50 Days of Prayer


On October 13, Pope Francis will consecrate the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. In preparation for that, I am proposing 50 days of prayer, beginning Aug. 25.  For more info and to follow along, visit this link.  

50 Days of Prayer2013-08-25T01:52:05-05:00

The Essence of our Crisis in the Church


Mother Angelica - the reason people love her is because she's always so real. I really think our problems in the Church come down to this.  Do we really think God is real?  Are we willing to be real about our faith, with Him and with others? Today a friend suggested in an email that most [...]

The Essence of our Crisis in the Church2013-08-23T17:09:35-05:00

The Theology of “The Onion”


Vulgarity warning: if you're offended by the F-word (which is used no less than 29 times in this article), do not click the link! But despite the vulgarity, a point is being made with this satire, as is always the case with The Onion. "Local Lutheran Minister" - from The Onion The article is Local Lutheran [...]

The Theology of “The Onion”2013-08-22T04:42:07-05:00

Lust vs. Love


Many of you have been very enthusiastic about yesterday's post What is Love? and the follow up. In those posts, I make the point that love is not of this world, that God is love and that the theological virtue of caritas - which is charity, concern, love, care, compassion, willing and doing the best for another [...]

Lust vs. Love2013-08-14T21:19:20-05:00
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