
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Light (and Sound) of Faith


The Light of Faith, the Pope tells us, is a "work of four hands".  Benedict XVI had written the first draft, and Pope Francis has completed it. Using another metaphor from music, the encyclical is kind of a Lennon / McCartney composition.  Benedict is the John Lennon of the duo - an incisive style, more traditionally [...]

The Light (and Sound) of Faith2013-07-10T04:13:52-05:00

I Have Become a Negative Example in Catholic Homilies


Sean P. Dailey writes ... Today, Sunday, July 7, 2013, Stanford Nutting made his first ever appearance in a homily at holy Mass.  It was in Springfield, Illinois. The parish will be unnamed to protect the innocent. The homilist is a permanent deacon, husband of Maggie Bishop. And he used Stanford Nutting and the Nice Creed [...]

I Have Become a Negative Example in Catholic Homilies2013-07-08T06:02:26-05:00

Sane Talk about Sex


Lifesite News has run a tremendous interview with Papal Theologian Rev. Wojciech Giertych. Here are some highlights, all quotes from Fr. Giertych (emphasis mine). Asked about the problem of homosexuality, gay ‘marriage’ and their incursion on relgious freedom, Fr. Giertych noted “this is not an issue which is reacting against the Church’s teaching – this is a [...]

Sane Talk about Sex2013-07-04T22:26:51-05:00

The Holiness Movement


1. In which the Author finds Authority in Wikipedia From Wikipedia, on the Methodist Episcopal Church (emphasis mine) ... By 1854, it was clear that a major, conference-wide conflict was brewing. On the one side were those conservatives who favored traditional Methodist teaching on matters of social and personal ethics, and who favored the traditional Methodist [...]

The Holiness Movement2013-07-04T22:24:52-05:00

The Church We Want


The Catholic Church in America has spent at least two generations giving us the Church we Want, based upon the God we Want who lets us do Whatever we Want. And guess what? We don't Want it! Emily Stimpson on Catholic Vote writes An Open Letter to Our Priests and Bishops and tells them what we [...]

The Church We Want2013-07-01T22:05:40-05:00

Christian Unity - When Protestants are More Catholic than Catholics


What will bring unity to the Church of Christ?  Communion.  Communion with Christ who is the head of the Church, and thereby communion with one another. For this true communion to begin, we must first admit, as Pope Francis recently did, that all good comes from God.  Period.  The good in our fellow Christians, and the [...]

Christian Unity - When Protestants are More Catholic than Catholics2013-07-01T04:05:34-05:00



  Grunky - "a word which I invented at the age of five, to express my religious sentiments." - GK Chesterton Announcing a new Catholic video network! is the project of Kevin O'Brien, founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word, Inc., with help from Dale Ahqluist of the American Chesterton Society and others. Grunky will feature regular [...]


The Family You Save May Be Your Own


Now that the Supreme Court has proven, as they did in Roe v. Wade, that they hold an utter contempt for reason and for democracy; and since the Culture of Death is swallowing everything in its path and devouring both marriage and the family, what is to be done? This much. I cannot save marriage.  I [...]

The Family You Save May Be Your Own2013-06-27T02:16:43-05:00

Passion and Conviction


I'm a passionate guy. I don't mean so much in the common "romantic" use of that term - "romantic passion".  I mean passionate in the sense of caring deeply - usually too deeply - about people and things (and, I'm sorry to say, sometimes about myself). So I know of what I speak. And I think [...]

Passion and Conviction2013-06-24T20:19:49-05:00

Calvinism and Abortion


As I have written before, the pro-abortion crowd is more and more basing its support of abortion not on the claim that the fetus is not yet a human being (more advanced prenatal technology has given the lie to that), but on the uglier but more honest assertion that not all human beings have the right [...]

Calvinism and Abortion2013-06-24T04:39:46-05:00
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