
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Have You Ever Heard These Things in a Homily?


When The Sinner wrote yesterday that he had never heard a homily on adultery, it got me thinking. I have been Catholic for almost 13 full years.  In that time I have heard nearly 700 Sunday homilies and quite a few Daily Mass homilies - probably 1,000 homilies in all.  And I've heard these homilies literally [...]

Have You Ever Heard These Things in a Homily?2013-06-24T04:35:11-05:00

The Sinner Speaks


We've had many guest posts over the years from The Poet (who, frankly, gets on my nerves).  Today we hear from The Sinner.   I am dead. Don't be so shocked at that.  It's really the default position.  Most things are dead.   So when I woke up one day and found myself no longer alive [...]

The Sinner Speaks2013-06-24T04:33:21-05:00

The Indelible Imprint of the Cross


An anonymous commenter makes a good point in my post about the Anti-Culture.  The gist of his argument is that there never was a golden age in Christian Culture.  The Middle Ages, much vaunted by certain Catholics, were brutal and harsh in many ways. Of course the flip side of this is that there's more good [...]

The Indelible Imprint of the Cross2013-06-19T06:33:27-05:00

Drinking, Debating and Drunk Dialing


As founder and artistic director of the ChesterBelloc Drinking and Debating Club, I am proud to note that Mark Shea blogged about our recent meeting, which happened last Friday, on Chesterton's feast day, in Springfield, Illinois. The ChesterBelloc Drinking and Debating Club.  I am center in the red Cardinals cap presiding over the Official Sean Dailey [...]

Drinking, Debating and Drunk Dialing2013-06-19T06:29:19-05:00

Swimming against the Tide of the Times


Fellow Christians: we have a choice. We either make a radical commitment to Christ, or we make a radical commitment to sin. It doesn't seem that way. It seems as if we can become Christians and simply feel good about ourselves, or even, with a secret thrill, feel better than everybody else.  The "prosperity gospel" is [...]

Swimming against the Tide of the Times2013-06-15T21:18:36-05:00

Protestantism and Nihilism


Orestes Brownson What is Nihilism?  And Why does Every Young Person Believe It? We all know what nihilism is, though we may not all use that word to describe it. It's the philosophy of pretty much everyone under the age of 35 in the Western world.  "There is no God, there is no anything, whatever you [...]

Protestantism and Nihilism2013-06-09T20:50:55-05:00

Father Dangerous - Bionic Priest


Coming this summer - Grunky - an internet video network. "Grunky" is a word coined by G. K. Chesterton when he was five to describe his spirituality.  That spirituality is one of wit, laughter, joy, gratitude, intelligence, and a profound love for Jesus and a sharing in His cross. Grunky will feature many programs - humorous [...]

Father Dangerous - Bionic Priest2013-06-04T00:41:14-05:00

To Cultivate the Mustard Seed


Now in the same way that our secret faults cause tremors at the surface no matter how well we've hidden them (as I write about here - Our Faults Become Fissures of Men), so something else hidden within us eventually shows forth. He also said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed [...]

To Cultivate the Mustard Seed2013-05-26T20:50:41-05:00

Our Faults Become “Fissures of Men”


Above all else, guard your heart, -(Prov. 4:23)   Geologically speaking, faults can cause big problems.  A hidden fracture, buried ever so deeply, can devastate the land above, causing horrible earthquakes. Psychologically speaking, faults can cause big problems.  A hidden fracture, a flaw in our characters, buried ever so deeply, can have similar devastating results. When we [...]

Our Faults Become “Fissures of Men”2013-05-26T20:23:50-05:00

Interview with a Typical Catholic


Q:  I understand you're a Typical Catholic.  Where do you go to Mass? A:  Well, I don't usually go to Mass, but when I do it's at St. Somewhere. Q:  St. Somewhere.  Is that a suburban parish? A:  Yes.  You see, the churches in the city - the big beautiful old churches - have all been [...]

Interview with a Typical Catholic2013-05-26T20:18:54-05:00
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