
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Dirty Dancing is Grinding Me Down


My limerick about Lansing, Kansas ... There once was a Baptist from Lansing,With morality always advancing,Said, "I'll never make loveOn Earth or above.Why not? Well, it may lead to dancing." I use this as an intro to what reader "Ink" writes of her impression of the Beaux-Arts Ball that she and her college school of architecture classmates [...]

Dirty Dancing is Grinding Me Down2013-04-04T01:50:13-05:00

Thoroughly Modern Mindlessness


Reader Bonnie has asked me to comment upon Chesterton's view of modernity or the modern man. I'll do that in three words: absence of thought. Now in more than three words ... *** As I wrote recently, in my post The Sacred Heart Sits Atop the Sacred Backbone, The great hallmark of the modern world is [...]

Thoroughly Modern Mindlessness2013-04-04T01:49:56-05:00

Gay-Marriage Activist: “The Institution of Marriage Should Not Exist”


"Gay marriage" is not about marriage equality.  It's about DESTROYING MARRIAGE.  That's not my take on it.  That is, in fact, the simple agenda of the activists behind this movement and they admit it. From Joe Grabowski  We've all heard the argument that marriage redefinition won't affect your marriage or my marriage, right? Or maybe you've [...]

Gay-Marriage Activist: “The Institution of Marriage Should Not Exist”2013-04-04T01:48:52-05:00



Last night I posted on Facebook Has anyone out there ever had anyone who hurt you, other than a spouse or child, actually apologize to you - or apologize in anything but a very limited and conditional way? It has happened to me once in my entire life, and that was an actor who wanted me [...]




Love demands boundaries. This is maybe the hardest lesson for moderns to appreciate. Thought demands boundaries.  This is because thought recognizes the boundaries that do exist.  A married couple cannot be two men or two women - this is a boundary that exists independent of what we want.  Giving you life over to drugs or porn [...]


Happiness is a Warm Ringo


She told me a short anecdote. "When John Lennon was in grade school, the assignment was to write down what you wanted to be when you grew up.  He wrote down one word - HAPPY.  The teacher scolded him for that." And I thought, "Well, that's a great answer.  A better teacher would have said ... [...]

Happiness is a Warm Ringo2013-03-21T16:04:34-05:00

Faith and Parking Spaces


A good friend of mine once was bragging about a thing called "Est", which was sort of Scientology-lite, or a cult for those who wanted a cult they could take home with them at night. One of the things "Est" promised was how, once you got the "power", you could free up parking spaces in front [...]

Faith and Parking Spaces2013-03-20T00:04:29-05:00

Of Slackers, Control Freaks and Love


(Above: Kevin the Slacker / Kevin the Control Freak) *** I was a slacker. I could not hold down a day job.  I was constitutionally unable to work in any field other than bringing words to life - drama, theater, show biz.  Try to make a living at that, as a 20-year-old in St. Louis - [...]

Of Slackers, Control Freaks and Love2013-03-19T00:47:54-05:00

Walking the Walk and Doubting the Doubt


I have one brief thing to say about our new Holy Father, Pope Francis.  His fellow Jesuits in Argentina don't like him.  And that is the best sign we've had yet that this man is holy and devout!  The Jesuits have gone badly off the rails, and the corruption of the best is the worst.  Since the Jesuits were at [...]

Walking the Walk and Doubting the Doubt2013-03-14T13:07:39-05:00

Following the StAR


The Bellarmine Forum, which is always a worthwhile read, has just published a list of recommended Catholic websites, and the St. Austin Review and its blog the Ink Desk make the top of the list. It's good to see that folks are following the StAR.  For, as the Bellarmine Forum reminds us ... The St. Austin [...]

Following the StAR2013-03-13T03:10:29-05:00
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