
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Bronte Viewed from the Heights


I once asked Joseph Pearce, the most well-read man I've ever met, how he managed to get such a good education without going to college. "Kevin," he replied, "I am well educated BECAUSE I did not go to college." *** I have the great honor of tutoring a very intelligent 15-year-old home-schooled student.  Together we just [...]

Bronte Viewed from the Heights2013-03-12T05:10:57-05:00

St. James Answers Gollum


Lately I've been answering questions posed to me by a Protestant reader of my blog, and this time I'm going to let the Apostle James answer a question that no reader of any blog has posed to me, but that many of you could; in fact I could post it myself. My hypothetical reader writes ... [...]

St. James Answers Gollum2013-03-11T00:50:19-05:00

The Audacity of Heaven - or - Heaven is a Slap in the Face


We tend to settle for things. And understandably so.  Buffeted and battered as we are by life, we make the best of it, we grin and bear it. We do not moan the moans, give voice to the great longing that we feel.  We do not reveal the hole that is never full, the hole in [...]

The Audacity of Heaven - or - Heaven is a Slap in the Face2013-03-09T17:15:31-06:00

Send Me your Cash, your Credit, your Blank Checks Yearning to be Free


Hey, I finally figured out how to add a RECURRING DONATION BUTTON to our Theater of the Word website!!! Theater of the Word Incorporated is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and your donations are tax deductible. Please support the work we do, which includes ... Touring Theatrical productions that evangelize through drama and comedy YouTube videos and [...]

Send Me your Cash, your Credit, your Blank Checks Yearning to be Free2013-03-05T01:31:40-06:00

The Great God O


The Great God "O" is not Oprah. No, it's the Orgasm. I'm beginning to catch on, and I repent of all my foolish years of preaching and teaching the Christian Faith.  Frank Weathers sets me straight here. The Main Stream Media (MSM) keeps pounding this into our head for a reason - the Orgasm is God, [...]

The Great God O2013-03-05T01:29:24-06:00

The Yeast of the Culture of Death


For the New York Times, forced abortion is horrible, but abortion itself is no big deal.  The New York Times likewise, while it points out the irony of Nazi "Care Centers" being sites of killing, is simply blind to the the fact that "health care" for us now includes contraception, abortion and euthanasia - paid for [...]

The Yeast of the Culture of Death2013-03-03T19:53:24-06:00

The Structure of Love


Now this graphic and quotation from Ignatius Press has been making the rounds on Facebook, and even some of my secular anti-Christian friends have "liked" it. It goes to the heart of what this stuff is all about. Because once one gets over the worst of our objections to the Faith, and places even a minimal [...]

The Structure of Love2013-03-03T19:52:25-06:00

By George! I Don’t Think He’s Got It


OK, why does this smell funny to me ... a robustly orthodox Catholicism impassioned about mission is the only Catholicism that has a future. Why? Because it’s the Catholicism that is answering Christ’s call to mission in the Great Commission, and it’s the only Catholicism that can meet the challenge of aggressive secularism, jihadism — and [...]

By George! I Don’t Think He’s Got It2013-02-27T01:38:49-06:00

The End and the Rest of the Story


Catholics at one time were told to meditate on the Four Last Things -Death, Judgment, Heaven and Hell.  As  a Lenten practice, may I suggest the following.     If you were to die within the next five minutes, and you knew it, what would be the story of your life?  I don't just mean milestones [...]

The End and the Rest of the Story2013-02-25T23:13:38-06:00

The Provisional Life


"The Provisional Life" is a phrase of Carl Jung's that is a keeper, though so much of his philosophy was not.  The website Lexicon of Jungian Terms defines it thus ... PROVISIONAL LIFE:  A term used to describe an attitude toward life that is more or less imaginary, not rooted in the here and now, commonly [...]

The Provisional Life2013-02-23T15:58:57-06:00
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