
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

More on the Man


I think it's harder for a writer to capture a life of virtue than a life of vice. But Frank Weathers does a good job of it, and also posts lots of video clips, in his tribute to Stan the Man over on Why I am Catholic. Since things are so combative on the blogosphere, and [...]

More on the Man2013-01-22T00:35:54-06:00

A Peaceful End for the Perfect Knight


From the St. Louis Post-Dispatch  ... Hall of Famer Musial died quietly at age 92 at his St. Louis County home Saturday (Jan. 19, 2013) evening at 5:45 p.m., surrounded by family and friends and under hospice care *** Born in Donora, Pa., on Nov. 21, 1920, Musial signed with the Cardinals for $65 a month in [...]

A Peaceful End for the Perfect Knight2013-01-20T22:54:25-06:00

Show Business in the 23rd Century


She was playing the part of Star Trek's Mr. Spock. In my inter-active murder mystery, Who Killed Captain Kirk, since we travel with a cast of only two - an actor and an actress who play multiple parts in each show - this meant that I'd get to be Captain Kirk (one of my heroes - see [...]

Show Business in the 23rd Century2013-01-17T21:10:50-06:00

You Can’t Vote with your Feet when You’re on a Chain Gang


My friend Kevin Aldrich comments on my post Cows and Computers  ... Every week my wife gives Walmart about $300 for which we get groceries and other necessaries for our family of nine cheaper than anywhere else. What is so bad about that? If their prices go too high or the quality is too low, we [...]

You Can’t Vote with your Feet when You’re on a Chain Gang2013-01-17T14:17:16-06:00

Free Advice to the United States Council of Catholic Bureaucrats


The best article of 2013 so far is this rock solid piece by Christopher Manion in Crisis. After giving a brief overview of Catholic Teaching and Its Discontents, Manion comments upon our current crisis and the bishops' predictably oafish answer to it, which includes lawyers, lobbyists and "strategic planning" over many years to come. Manion writes [...]

Free Advice to the United States Council of Catholic Bureaucrats2013-01-16T14:16:21-06:00

You Can’t Vote with your Feet when You’re on a Chain Gang


My friend Kevin Aldrich comments on my post Cows and Computers  ... Every week my wife gives Walmart about $300 for which we get groceries and other necessaries for our family of nine cheaper than anywhere else. What is so bad about that? If their prices go too high or the quality is too low, we [...]

You Can’t Vote with your Feet when You’re on a Chain Gang2013-01-15T22:19:12-06:00

The Spirit of Antichrist


In my last post, Denying the Incarnation while Going to Church, which I just wrote ten minutes ago, it struck me that the quote I closed with was quite on point. In the blustery King James translation (1 John 4:2-3) ... Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And [...]

The Spirit of Antichrist2013-01-15T22:16:30-06:00

Denying the Incarnation while Going to Church


What is the Catholic Ghetto? It is producers producing bad art for consumers who won't pay for good art.  It's hard to say which came first.  But the effect is bad Catholic novels, bad Catholic drama, bad Catholic audio CDs, bad Catholic videos - with nobody making any money off of any of it.  Which of [...]

Denying the Incarnation while Going to Church2013-01-15T06:19:59-06:00

Free Advice to the United States Council of Catholic Bureaucrats


The best article of 2013 so far is this rock solid piece by Christopher Manion in Crisis. After giving a brief overview of Catholic Teaching and Its Discontents, Manion comments upon our current crisis and the bishops' predictably oafish answer to it, which includes lawyers, lobbyists and "strategic planning" over many years to come. Manion writes [...]

Free Advice to the United States Council of Catholic Bureaucrats2013-01-15T06:16:18-06:00

Keeping Up with the Keeping Down of the Joneses


Jones has been caught in this whirlpool because no one speaks for him. Big Government has robbed him of his freedom and the little capital he had. Big Business has done the same. Jones the welfare recipient is not much different from Jones the wage-slave. He wants everything done for him: his health care, his retirement, [...]

Keeping Up with the Keeping Down of the Joneses2013-01-13T14:43:17-06:00
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