
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Cows and Computers


G. K. Chesterton once said (apprently) that Distributism could be summarized as everyone having "three acres and a cow".   And so a commenter named Justin is rightly confused, when he asks in the combox of Joseph Pearce's recent post on Distributism ...  I don't actually know what it [Distributism] is other than everyone gets one [...]

Cows and Computers2013-01-10T21:07:20-06:00

Empirical Evidence and the Soul


There's an interesting discussion below in the comment section of a post by Colin Jory, in which he criticizes what he calls the "sub humanities" in academia, including Women’s Studies, Social Work (at the level of theory), Sociology, Psychology, and Education (at the level of theory) about which Jory says (my emphasis) ... in practice all five [...]

Empirical Evidence and the Soul2013-01-10T16:58:07-06:00

Journeys Home


On Monday, February 11 (Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes), my actress Maria Romine will be featured on Marcus Grodi's program, The Journey Home on EWTN.  She will be telling the story of her conversion from  being Presbyterian to being Catholic, a journey I'm proud to say that Theater of the Word Incorporated and I played [...]

Journeys Home2013-01-10T16:57:33-06:00

Building to a Crescendo


The following is a press release from Movie to Movement on the most remarkable short film I've ever seen.   Based on a true story and set in the 18th century, Crescendo follows a series of extraordinary events that turn a woman's ordinary day into an incredible experience. Watch the trailer now and get a taste for why it [...]

Building to a Crescendo2013-01-09T01:55:17-06:00

A Different Kind of Sex


Reader Michael made an interesting comment on a recent post.  Michael writes ... One small suggestion: That you put " " [quotation marks] around the word sex when referring to any sexual acts outside that which God has decreed. As Catholics, our problem isn't that gay people are having sex, it's that they're simply not even [...]

A Different Kind of Sex2013-01-08T05:16:47-06:00



You want to have fun?  Get between an addict and his drug.    "Being Gay" is emblematic for all sin - it is, like all sin, sterile, self-pleasing, rebellious against natural ends, twisted, small-minded, and filled with unhappiness.   Most Christians are just like everybody else, only worse.   Those with the lowest "self esteem" are, [...]


Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day - January 5


While I was busy the other day blogging about supporting Hobby Lobby, my friend Joe Grabowski started a Facebook page to organize and focus that support.  Since then, Mike Huckabee has picked up Grabowski's torch and run with it.  Joe has since been interviewed by Lifenews, The Chirstian Post, and others. The point is, the owners [...]

Hobby Lobby Appreciation Day - January 52013-01-05T03:30:37-06:00

The Devil Witnessing for Christ


The witness of the devil is why I believe in God.  Bad Christians have shown me the Way to Christ.  Sinners have shown me the meaning of holiness. For there is really only one concept that ties everything we see together into a coherent whole.  Look around you.  What do you see? You see that Uncle [...]

The Devil Witnessing for Christ2013-01-05T03:09:18-06:00

Out, Damned Spots!


"Out, damned spot!" - so saith Pontius Pilate, Lady Macbeth, you and me. I was quite serious in my last post when I wrote that the (unspoken) logic behind abortion is not "An unborn baby is not a person and therefore has no rights",  but rather, "An unborn baby is certainly a person, but no person has [...]

Out, Damned Spots!2013-01-03T19:30:11-06:00

Just Kill It


My son Colin, home for the holidays, tells me that his friend Steve, who happens to be my favorite atheist, has a unique argument concerning abortion. Steve says, "Of course the baby in the womb is a human being.  You'd have to be blind not to realize that.  So I don't say abortion is right because [...]

Just Kill It2013-01-02T19:36:41-06:00
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