
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Just Kill It


My son Colin, home for the holidays, tells me that his friend Steve, who happens to be my favorite atheist, has a unique argument concerning abortion. Steve says, "Of course the baby in the womb is a human being.  You'd have to be blind not to realize that.  So I don't say abortion is right because [...]

Just Kill It2013-01-02T19:32:04-06:00

Liberty is More Than a Hobby


Breitbart has a thrilling story about the Christian couple who run Hobby Lobby, and their plans for civil disobedience in the face of Obama's unjust HHS Mandate. At great financial risk to themselves and their company, the Green family will refuse to fund drugs that cause abortion, mandated as part of Obamacare.  This may ruin them and destroy [...]

Liberty is More Than a Hobby2013-01-01T02:41:07-06:00

A False Concord


So a group called Patriotic Christian Quotes posts this chart on Facebook ...     And my comment on their Facebook post was this ... The Scriptures have nothing to do with science, and this chart stretches the point. It is very dangerous for Christians to think that the Bible teaches the truth about physics or [...]

A False Concord2012-12-29T20:08:34-06:00

Left Meets Right at Christmas Dinner


Anthony Esolen has written another brilliant piece for Crisis in his continuing series on the connection between Social Justice and the Family. The main point, taken mostly from Pope Leo XIII and his encyclicals, is simple. The Family is the basic unit of society.  Marriage was raised by Jesus Christ to a Sacrament, transforming it from mere private contract [...]

Left Meets Right at Christmas Dinner2012-12-21T23:57:26-06:00

Death Blow for HHS Mandate


See the Catholic World Report article here.  The fact that the andministration, under questioning by the court, "promised" never to enforce the HHS Mandate on certain colleges, indicates that the mandate cannot stand up to any serious legal challenge.  They folded in "cross examination", as it were.  That indicates that, legally speaking, the Mandate will never [...]

Death Blow for HHS Mandate2012-12-20T23:23:43-06:00

Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Boys?


If you watch Judge Judy like I do, religiously (which is not to say for religious reasons, but with a kind of devotion), you will notice what I often have noticed in life. To the left, in the role of the plaintiff, stands a beautiful and intelligent young woman aged 18-22. To the right, being sued, stands [...]

Why Do Good Girls Like Bad Boys?2012-12-20T23:14:54-06:00

A Trio of Triolets


For if you follow your vocation As priest or husband (it's a toss up), Up will fly your jubilation - For if you follow your vocation You will bend and take your cross up, Every day, and that's your calling: For if you follow your vocation You just may find it dull, appalling. *** Today I [...]

A Trio of Triolets2012-12-19T03:55:06-06:00

Juggling Midgets


[The following first appeared in my murder mystery newsletter in October of 2000.  It is entirely true.] Here at Upstage Productions, we often get unusual calls for unusual entertainment.  Most of the time, we respond with as much professionalism as we can muster, in the hopes of closing the sale.    However, when a group of frat boys [...]

Juggling Midgets2012-12-17T00:40:57-06:00

Upcoming Television Appearances


As Joseph Pearce mentions here, his television special Tolkien's Lord of the Rings: A Catholic Worldview will air within the next few days on EWTN. Saturday, Dec. 15 at 11:00 pm Eastern. Sunday, Dec. 16 at 4:00 pm Eastern. In this special, Joseph Pearce describes how The Lord of the Rings is indeed, as Tolkien himself described it, "a fundamentally Catholic [...]

Upcoming Television Appearances2012-12-13T15:49:47-06:00

Recent Adventures


With Joseph Pearce (left) and Deacon John Wainscott.   At the top of the St. Louis Gateway Arch with Joseph Pearce (center) and Sean Dailey, editor-in-chief of Gilbert Magazine (right)   Riding up the space-capsule sized elevator to the top of the arch.   Top row: Me, Deacon Scotty.  Bottom Row: Daughter Kerry, my father Thomas [...]

Recent Adventures2012-12-12T18:07:28-06:00
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