
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Anatomy of Betrayal


First, none of us has been betrayed the way Jesus was betrayed by Judas.  The slights we endure from friends, family, enemies and others can never quite measure up to that betrayal unto torture and death. But Jesus suffers greater pains than we suffer so that He can redeem our suffering and our pain. And what [...]

Anatomy of Betrayal2012-10-04T18:56:21-05:00

What Sayers Says


A friend on Facebook linked to a remarkable essay by Dorothy L. Sayers, delivered as an address in 1940, entitled Creed or Chaos.  For me the two top highlights were what Sayers says about the Consequences of Dogma, as well as her use of the word Judgment to define something I've been struggling, but failing, to express for more [...]

What Sayers Says2012-10-01T05:18:36-05:00

From Our Lady of Victory to St. Mary of Victories


The weekend saw us at the beautiful Our Lady of Victory basillica in Buffalo, New York.  Here I am with Joseph Pearce and Dale Ahlquist in front of the Lourdes grotto and the tomb of Father Baker. The ever affable Phil Viverito introduces Dale, Joseph and me at St. Amelia's, speaking on G. K. Chesterton ? [...]

From Our Lady of Victory to St. Mary of Victories2012-10-01T05:16:58-05:00

On Suffering


If we did not have a God Who suffers, none of this would make any sense. Not the rape of children; not the justification of evil; not the helplessness and loneliness and fear of the victims.  The love of spouses, the love of true friends, the sacrifice of lives - it would all seem to be [...]

On Suffering2012-09-17T22:37:02-05:00

Lessons on Morality from Shakespeare and Ferris Bueller


This is from a fan of our YouTube page.  He writes to me saying ... As man of theater yourself, I imagine that you have had the same moral questions from time to time. Should I take this part? Should I assist in this production? And so on. For me, these questions are more difficult to answer [...]

Lessons on Morality from Shakespeare and Ferris Bueller2012-09-17T22:35:22-05:00

The Stewardship of Love


We had to go to the 7:00 am Sunday Mass in this small town in Kansas, for we had to make it all the way back to St. Louis for a Sunday evening performance that same night.  I had hoped there would be few people and no music - there often isn't at the early Sunday Mass [...]

The Stewardship of Love2012-09-16T03:17:33-05:00

God Bless Cardinal Dolan!


There are a ton of bishops and a few cardinals in the Church who are St. Louis natives, or who have served as bishops in St. Louis before moving on.  Last night I wrote about the less-than-Christian behavior of one, Bishop Finn of Kansas City / St. Joseph. Today I want to write about the very-Christian [...]

God Bless Cardinal Dolan!2012-09-12T13:29:17-05:00

It is (Never) Enough


I knew a man who was addicted to sex.  Affairs with women, sick relationships.  Two failed marriages, several failed live-ins.  He kept a journal of how many women he had taken to bed, and there were many - very many.  As Chesterton says about people who are rich, "To be smart enough to get all that [...]

It is (Never) Enough2012-09-10T09:38:42-05:00

How Smooth This Road to Hell Seems!


Did you ever stop and think about how much trouble we get in simply by doing things that we know are objectively wrong? We don't think of doing wrong things as sinning.  Indeed, we may not be sinning, subjectively speaking - for we may have the best of intentions; we may not even know - or admit - [...]

How Smooth This Road to Hell Seems!2012-09-06T14:46:13-05:00

Bishop Elliott to Celebrate Mass in St. Louis


Bishop Peter Elliott of Melbourne, Australia will be celebrating Holy Mass in the city that is probably the furthest city in the world from his home diocese.  On Sunday, September 30, Bishop Elliott will be celebrating in Latin the Ordinary Form of the Roman Rite - the "Latin Novus Ordo" - at the beautiful and historic [...]

Bishop Elliott to Celebrate Mass in St. Louis2012-09-06T14:45:05-05:00
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