
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Hidden Gems in Mid-Missouri


Hidden gems in rural towns in Mid-Missouri ... (plus a few shots of me in character) ?? Rich Fountain, MO.   Frankenstein, MO.   Cemetery, Frankenstein, MO   Glass, Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows, Starkenburg, MO ? Glass, Shrine of Our Lady of Sorrows, Starkenburg, MO Ashley Wilkes   Col. Sanders O'Hara Rhett Butler Crepuscular [...]

Hidden Gems in Mid-Missouri2012-09-06T03:14:38-05:00

What Is Rape


This is a post from my own blog of a few days back.  While I mirror many posts both there and here at the Ink Desk, I leave the more contentious ones at my own blog.  Anything that's not about culture or the Faith, I don't share with the Ink Desk, nor posts that are potentially too [...]

What Is Rape2012-09-03T09:41:09-05:00

A Triolet


Let's chase from every single parish Hell and sin and Holy Fear Let's make our architecture garish. Let's chase from every single parish God almighty.  Then let's cherish Moods and feelings, vague, unclear - Let's chase from every single parish Hell and sin and Holy Fear.

A Triolet2012-09-03T06:46:05-05:00

Meet Christ the King, not Christ the Kitten


Peter Kreeft has written the best article of his life, an article that recaps his entire body of work on the Faith, in a way.  It is not only a must read, it is a must quote - though I'm tempted to quote the whole thing. One part will have to do.  I've written lately on how [...]

Meet Christ the King, not Christ the Kitten2012-09-03T00:39:44-05:00

Right Meets Left


The misunderstanding concerning my post on the Hegelian Mambo danced by both parties is that liberals can't imagine Romney as a liberal; or for that matter Obama as a conservative.  So when I say Romney is the most liberal candidate the Republicans have ever nominated, my readers think I'm nuts.  So let me explain. A better way [...]

Right Meets Left2012-09-01T21:22:08-05:00

Love and War and Gonads


My last two posts (both here and at my own blog), The Rape of Reason and Love and War , are connected. In the first, I point out the appalling hate-speech of an otherwise intelligent atheist reader of this blog, who asserts that God "raped a Jewish virgin", and who betrays his anti-Semitism by complaining that [...]

Love and War and Gonads2012-08-30T00:42:58-05:00

Love and War


Joseph Pearce writes about the unity of  love in this perceptive post , which rightly and gently critiques the great C. S. Lewis.  Joseph does so by asserting the essential unity of Love, thereby echoing Pope Benedict, who wrote an entire encyclical on the unity of love, the unity even of Eros and Agape.  And while I've written on [...]

Love and War2012-08-29T23:40:54-05:00

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit


Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit - the one unforgivable sin.  What is it? I suggest that blasphemy against the Spirit might be similar to God “hardening Pharaoh’s heart” – which was not so much God turning Pharaoh bad as God allowing Pharaoh to settle in the badness he had chosen. I think a man who makes [...]

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit2012-08-27T00:06:51-05:00

Good God / Bad God


A regular reader of my blog writes to me, disturbed by what he takes to be a disunity in Scripture.  It seems to him that the God of the Old Testament is judgmental and wrathful, and that the God of the New Testament is merciful and forgiving - they are two Gods, not one.  God the [...]

Good God / Bad God2012-08-25T18:59:55-05:00

Invisible Sky-Dice


I wrote early this morning about an atheist commenter's use of the really cool phrase Invisible Sky-Man.  That's such a poetic phrase, and it really hits the spot. It makes the believer pause for just a moment and say, "Wait a minute.  My God is invisible and He does dwell in heaven, which is kind of [...]

Invisible Sky-Dice2012-08-23T22:53:29-05:00
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