
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

My Crude Materialism Trumps Your Invisible Sky-Man


A few posts ago, Anonymous left an entertaining comment which he concluded by encouraging me, a former strident atheist, to give up belief in my "invisible sky-man", a delusion that's keeping me from complete happiness (I wondered what was doing that). I like that phrase "invisible sky-man".  I would have used it myself when I was an [...]

My Crude Materialism Trumps Your Invisible Sky-Man2012-08-23T13:23:50-05:00



What is unreality?  It is the greatest threat to our relationship to a God who is Truth. Some examples ... Most actors in St. Louis, even if talented, are unprofessional - in the derogatory sense of that word.  They know they'll probably never make a living at their craft, and so they don't take it seriously.  [...]


Great Catholic Writers - of Today!


Bad as things are, and bad as they're going to get, there are at least three great writers out there who are Catholic, reasonable, good writers, and not afraid to speak the truth.  Today people emailed me links to three of the best articles I've read in a long time. The first, by Anthony Esolen, in [...]

Great Catholic Writers - of Today!2012-08-22T04:50:26-05:00

Hilaire Belloc - the Perfect After-Dinner Speaker


I will be performing as Hilaire Belloc a lecture on "The Great Heresies" on Sunday, August 26 in St. Louis.  Be sure to come!  My friend Dale Ahlquist said, "Everyone in America should see this show." The following comes from the Credo website - The Church has dealt with heresies since Pentecost: Arians denied the Divinity of [...]

Hilaire Belloc - the Perfect After-Dinner Speaker2012-08-10T18:30:14-05:00

Theater of the Word’s Latest Newsletter


If you signed up for our newsletter, you'll be getting this via email shortly ... ____________________________________________________  Kevin O'Brien and Marcus Grodi get Deep in Scripture?   Many of you saw Kevin O'Brien, founder of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, on EWTN's The Journey Home  this week.  But a lot you don't get Catholic Radio, and so you [...]

Theater of the Word’s Latest Newsletter2012-08-10T18:20:28-05:00

Kevin O’Brien and Marcus Grodi get “Deep in Scripture”


Many of you saw me on EWTN's The Journey Home this week. But a lot you don't get Catholic Radio, and so you miss Marcus Grodi's excellent program Deep in Scripture, in which he interviews guests about Scripture passages that they find significantly meaningful. And guess what?  Thanks to the magic of the internet, the radio [...]

Kevin O’Brien and Marcus Grodi get “Deep in Scripture”2012-08-09T21:08:22-05:00

Shakespeare and Chesterton


Joseph's post below reminded me that yesterday although I described in detail the indescribable American Chesterton Society Conference in Reno, Nevada, what I failed to mention was that I presented a paper at the Conference on Chesterton and Shakespeare. In the paper I make the claim that there's only one way to read Shakespeare, and that's [...]

Shakespeare and Chesterton2012-08-08T22:12:25-05:00

The Oasis of Joy


The Dying Man "Who are you?  I want to thank you," he whispered, lying there.  On the side of the busy street. "Don't worry about that.  Just pray for me," I replied. He sat up.  Or tried to.  "Are you a Christian?" he asked. "Yes." "So am I," he said.  And he relaxed and faded back into [...]

The Oasis of Joy2012-08-07T21:52:50-05:00

The Spawn of Nietzsche


OK, I can understand young girls getting a secret thrill out of Ayn Rand - Rand's novels are Hallmark Movies on steroids, where the shirtless heroes are selfish geniuses who take what they want when they want it and ride off into the sunset on some powerful and muscular horse, snorting along the way (the horse, [...]

The Spawn of Nietzsche2012-07-25T21:26:29-05:00

Kevin O’Brien’s Journey Home


Kevin O'Brien, founder of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, will be featured on EWTN's The Journey Home  on Monday, August 6 at 8:00 pm Eastern time (7:00 Central).  Kevin recounts his journey from atheism to the Catholic Church, which began with his experiences on stage; and he and host Marcus Grodi discuss many things, including [...]

Kevin O’Brien’s Journey Home2012-07-24T21:23:41-05:00
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