
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Little Sisters Standing Tall


From a talk given during the Fortnight of Freedom by Sister Constance Carolyn of the Little Sisters of the Poor ... "As more states legalize physician assisted suicide, we fear that someday we may be required to offer it as an alternative to palliative care. Assisted suicide and euthanasia are morally reprehensible to us. Being forced [...]

Little Sisters Standing Tall2012-07-24T01:09:38-05:00

Trying God


I'm in a bad mood this morning.  Why?  Because it's Monday?  Because I'm crabby?  Because I got out of bed? It's because my wife had me read the daily Mass readings to her. Let me explain, first by talking about the future - next weekend. At the American Chesterton Society Conference in Reno, Nevada next week [...]

Trying God2012-07-24T01:07:30-05:00

Apocalypse Soon!


First, I must apologize to my friend Joseph Pearce for mischaracterizing his Ink Desk blog post The Resurrection of the God of Physics, which in my haste I read as Joseph's agreement with an article in Crisis that seemed to imply the notion that physics can prove the existence of God.  Joseph says to me ... Please let me explain: I [...]

Apocalypse Soon!2012-07-17T00:25:12-05:00

It’s Hardly Prophecy Any More


Not long ago James V. Schall SJ wrote a piece that began, "Catholics have little legal future in this country except as a narrow, strictly defined sect."  He went on to suggest that there would come a time in the U.S.A. where we will have an officially tolerated faux-church, and an actual, but underground and persecuted, [...]

It’s Hardly Prophecy Any More2012-07-13T15:30:01-05:00

The Savior of Science


Joseph Pearce points to an article at Crisis, which asserts that physics can prove that there is a God.  But I would suggest that this is as much of a mistake as asserting that physics can prove that there is no God. If you've got an hour or so to spend, my performance as Fr. Stanley [...]

The Savior of Science2012-07-13T15:16:30-05:00

Trading on Chesterton without a Trace of Chesterton


Well, there is such a thing as the Benefit of the Doubt.  But a PARISH SECRETARY??? The BBC has announced that it will be filming a new TV series based on G. K. Chesterton's famous fictional detective, Father Brown, starring Mark Williams of the Harry Potter films.  And while the linked article notes that for Father [...]

Trading on Chesterton without a Trace of Chesterton2012-07-08T00:57:11-05:00

The Unholy Family


Frank Weathers has engaged in an interesting conversation with Timothy Dalrymple here.  Dalyrmple is pushing for a "Business Contract with America" from the Republican party that would set a clear timetable for repeal of Obamacare and that would energize the voters in November - a clear Plan.  Weathers replies, "Forget the Plan!  It's the Principles that [...]

The Unholy Family2012-07-07T19:23:26-05:00

The Problem and the Solution


"I know what your problem is. In fact, I know what everyone’s problem is. Furthermore, I not only know the problem, I have the solution." So begins Father Dwight Longenecker in a very interesting blog post in which he diagnoses the problem at the foundational level of our hearts - lack of love. Fr. Dwight continues [...]

The Problem and the Solution2012-07-06T21:35:03-05:00

The Forgotten Virtue


I once wrote that Hope is more despised than Chastity, that if you're not cynical and disdainful, you're not hip and modern. But there's a virtue that seems even less in vogue than Hope, and that is Magnanimity. What is Magnanimity?  Well, even Wikipedia gets it right ... Magnanimity (derived from the Latin roots magn- great, [...]

The Forgotten Virtue2012-07-05T13:54:36-05:00

The Great Divorce and the Greater Marriage


In both C. S. Lewis' novel, and in reality, "The Great Divorce" is between Heaven and Hell, not between Heaven and Earth. *** Dena Hunt on the Ink Desk has a thoughtful post about the loss of innocence and wonder. She points to the Romantic poets, and particularly Wordsworth, as those who best articulate this sense of [...]

The Great Divorce and the Greater Marriage2012-06-21T19:38:51-05:00
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