
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Shakespearian Tragedy Rag


Recently Joseph Pearce posted Adam McNaughton's song Three Minute Hamlet. Which reminded me of a song we just played in the car while on tour - Ray Jessell's brilliant "The Shakespearian Tragedy Rag".  Be advised that there are a few vulgarities - but this is one of the funniest tributes to Shakespeare ever.  And while you're at it, [...]

The Shakespearian Tragedy Rag2012-06-14T18:43:35-05:00

The Christian Shakespeare


Coming on the heels of Joseph's recent post on Shakespeare and the controversy it has excited, allow me to share with Ink Desk readers an official press release ... THE CHRISTIAN SHAKESPEARE - PRESS RELEASE June 6, 2012 - St. Louis, Missouri, USA *** The Theater of the Word Incorporated announces a new website devoted to [...]

The Christian Shakespeare2012-06-07T15:06:16-05:00

Old Folks, a Run Down Hotel, and the Anglican Church


Dame Judith Dench in "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" I was hoping to see an independent film, something without all of that Hollywood predictability, so the family and I all went to see The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - a movie starring some of the finest British film actors, a very minor tale about old folks forced to [...]

Old Folks, a Run Down Hotel, and the Anglican Church2012-05-29T20:02:14-05:00

Why Bad Christian Art is Anti-Christian


Bad Christian art is not only bad; it's anti-christian.  Let me explain.  This may be a bit of a rant, but let me explain. You will notice a theme running on my blog and at the Ink Desk - it is the attempt by my fellow writers and me to express and explain the bizarre separation of the Church [...]

Why Bad Christian Art is Anti-Christian2012-05-28T02:17:55-05:00

His Peace She Gives Us


  Dawn Eden with Yours Truly Dawn Eden is a friend of mine and one of the most intelligent women I've ever met.  She shares with me a love for G. K. Chesterton and an adult conversion that brought her from much suffering and sin into a life of grace.  So we have some things in [...]

His Peace She Gives Us2012-05-17T14:12:44-05:00

As the Globe Turns


Chesterton Academy in Minneapolis recently produced my play As the Globe Turns, a comedy about a traveling troupe of Shakespearian actors.  Click here to see all the pictures! This script of mine, along with many other scripts by many other playwrights, will be featured later this summer on Miracle Plays, a website devoted to offering scripts for school [...]

As the Globe Turns2012-05-16T22:10:22-05:00

Will We Defend All of Marriage - or Part of It?


Nearly fifteen years ago, when I was Episcopalian, a leader of our local "Journey of Faith" program described to the group how she had made some sort of knitting or crochet or tapestry thing for a friend of hers when the friend had gotten married many years prior.  It was some sort of heart with the names of the [...]

Will We Defend All of Marriage - or Part of It?2012-05-14T21:05:20-05:00

Pre-Occupied by the One-Half of One Percent


Occupy Wall Street and related groups were indignant, and rightly so, that the wealthiest one percent of the population seems to control the government. We would all agree that in a democratic republic, policy that affects every American should not be set by an elite, particularly if that elite is only one percent of the people. [...]

Pre-Occupied by the One-Half of One Percent2012-05-12T20:05:25-05:00

Stupidity vs. Pride


Here's why it's impossible to debate so-called "gay marriage". It's not that those who support it will not admit to metaphysics, to natural law, to purpose, to objective truth.  It's not that marriage has been so degraded in our culture that it means nothing, and that "gay marriage" is just an extension of that nothing.  It's [...]

Stupidity vs. Pride2012-05-10T19:50:38-05:00

The Proper Concept of Contraception


Well, the so-called Innocent Smith is proving to be, at the very least, a fine writer, who is engaging me for what he takes to be tribalism over at his blog Innocent Smith's Journal, particulary in his "A Response to Kevin O'Brien".  One thing I very much admire in him - he is assenting to Church [...]

The Proper Concept of Contraception2012-05-08T21:09:37-05:00
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