
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Highlight of my Career


[Photo: Yours Truly as King Arthur and Jessica Franz as Guinevere in Kill-a-Lot] After years of therapy and extensive soul searching, it appears as if the reason I got into show business was so that my mother would love me. Now this makes little sense, because my mother, God rest her soul, certainly loved me. But [...]

The Highlight of my Career2012-02-27T23:06:49-06:00

Respect for the Rights of Conscience Act


One of my state's senators, Roy Blunt, has sponsored the Respect for the Rights of Conscience Act, and Catholic Vote has sent out an email urging support for it at this critical juncture in American history. Catholic Vote writes as follows: *** Dear Friend of CV, Every bishop in the country just received an urgent letter [...]

Respect for the Rights of Conscience Act2012-02-27T19:40:56-06:00

Why I Love Jesus and South Dakota but Hate Videos about Religion


(Above: Amy Doom center, with daughter Maggie right and friend Philly left in the beautiful mission church in Marty, South Dakota.) Tonight I am in Wagner, South Dakota, where I enjoyed a fine dinner and conversation with the Doom family. After dinner, patriarch Todd Doom pulled up the YouTube video Why I Hate Religion But Love [...]

Why I Love Jesus and South Dakota but Hate Videos about Religion2012-02-13T22:10:59-06:00

Past the Breaking Point


I don't know about you, but I complain a lot. I complain about the persecutions involved in writing a stupid blog. I complain about dealing with difficult clients or nutty actors. I complain about that awful guitar music at Mass. I complain about a lot of things, especially when I'm called to give of myself. And [...]

Past the Breaking Point2012-02-13T04:09:48-06:00

Obama Explained


The Fifth Column: Obama's Obituary Steve Kellmeyer publishes these words by president and playwright Vaclav Havel under the funny but unfunny title "Obama's Obituary". *** The post-totalitarian system touches people at every step, but it does so with its ideological gloves on. This is why life in the system is so thoroughly permeated with hypocrisy and [...]

Obama Explained2012-02-13T04:03:00-06:00

Adam and Eve Go to Marriage Counseling


My touring troupe, The Theater of the Word Incorporated will present Adam and Eve Go to Marriage Counseling, the world's first comedy based on the "Theology of the Body". After thousands of years of marriage, Adam and Eve decide they need a little help, and so they head to marriage counseling. To their surprise, their counselor [...]

Adam and Eve Go to Marriage Counseling2012-02-08T14:49:19-06:00

Faith at Work and Working the Faith


Over the weekend, while driving to perform shows, my actress and I listened to audio recordings of EWTN's The Journey Home, one of my favorite television shows, hosted by Marcus Grodi (whose novels I just recorded as audio books, but more on that in an upcoming post). One of the Journey Home segments was an interview [...]

Faith at Work and Working the Faith2012-01-31T23:00:57-06:00

The Problem of Love and Frozen Banana Stands


The problem is love. What is the solution to the problem of love? Scripture shows us some solutions as offered by man since the fall. Onan's solution is the favorite of the modern day. Onan was called to raise up progeny for his dead brother (see Genesis 38). This call to give of oneself for the [...]

The Problem of Love and Frozen Banana Stands2012-01-30T22:45:21-06:00

The Lord of Failure


Think about this: the cross was a means of terrible, ignominious defeat. But this sign of defeat has become the means of victory. There is no defeat or worldy despair in which Christ is not present. He is the Lord of Failure. He has taken on all of our mis-shapen, twisted disappointments, and through Him not [...]

The Lord of Failure2012-01-26T19:04:01-06:00

Why Republicans Will Never End Abortion


My friend Scott P. Richert has an excellent article on Catholicism entitled Put Not Your Trust in Princes. In it, he makes the perceptive point that Republicans will never end abortion in this country, any more than Democrats ever will, "because Republican politicians, just as surely as Democratic ones, have no desire to lose an [...]

Why Republicans Will Never End Abortion2012-01-25T14:57:44-06:00
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