
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Sex and Success


"God has not called me to be successful; He has called me to be faithful," Bl. Teresa of Calcutta. What do the following have in common: Liberal Catholic support for contraception, abortion, divorce and perversion Conservative Catholic support for Torture and Lying Liberal Catholic support for socialism and Liberation Theology Conservative Catholic support for folk heroes [...]

Sex and Success2011-11-07T18:43:32-06:00

An Interview with Kevin O’Brien


Here is a link to an interview with me conducted by St. Irenaeus Ministries in which I wax poetic about The Theater of the Word Incorporated and Catholic Culture.

An Interview with Kevin O’Brien2011-11-03T22:15:14-05:00

God in a Box


One of the most startling things about the Christian Faith is that it is always greater than we are. We can't get it under our belts because we can't get Him under our belts. One of the problems I keep running into in others is a problem I keep running into in myself. When God becomes [...]

God in a Box2011-11-03T22:14:54-05:00

The Humor of Shaw and Chesterton


Here I am reading from a letter written in 1908 by George Bernard Shaw to G. K. Chesterton - and from another letter from Shaw to Chesterton's wife, Frances. Shaw is quite funny here. It's worth watching. My friend Mark Shea follows up with a few observations about Drama and the Faith. This is taken from [...]

The Humor of Shaw and Chesterton2011-11-02T12:37:00-05:00

“Is This Heaven?” It’s Baseball.


I mostly write about religious subjects on this blog, so it's only fitting I should write about baseball. There's the old joke that baseball was first mentioned in the Bible - Genesis 1:1 - "In the big inning". But there really is a theology to our national passtime. It is the most transcendent of games. We [...]

“Is This Heaven?” It’s Baseball.2011-10-28T18:41:23-05:00

Bad Monks and the Rest of Us


Regular reader Ink has an interesting post on her blog "With Eager Feet" about something I said concerning Bad Monks and Actors. Ink writes ... *** Some time ago, I had the chance to meet Kevin, owner of Theatre of the Word, Inc. I now consider him a friend (and hope he considers me the same, [...]

Bad Monks and the Rest of Us2011-10-27T17:09:42-05:00

Comedy Fund Raiser in Chicago


Those of you in the Chicagoland area might be interested in this ... 10/30/2011 Institute on Religious Life Comedy Fundraiser Luncheon Please join us for the Institute on Religious Life’s Benefit Luncheon to be held Sunday, October 30, from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., at the Country Squire, 19133 W. Route 120 in Grayslake. The event [...]

Comedy Fund Raiser in Chicago2011-10-21T20:11:32-05:00

Can’t Care, Don’t Care, Won’t Care


"Don't take this so personally," my wife Karen always tells me. And of course she's right. In the past, when employees would become Vampires or Aliens it used to really bug me. How could they do this to me when I trusted them and gave them opportunities to help us and do good work? I would [...]

Can’t Care, Don’t Care, Won’t Care2011-10-20T13:11:41-05:00

The Most Dangerous Thing in the World


What does Safe Sex have in common with Bad Catholic Art? What does Squeamishness have to do with Bad Catholic Worship? Why is truth stranger than fiction? That last one at least we know. "Truth, of course, must of necessity be stranger than fiction," G. K. Chesterton points out, "for we have made fiction to suit [...]

The Most Dangerous Thing in the World2011-10-13T13:04:03-05:00

Something for Human Beings


At the Rochester Chesterton Conference, left to right: Kevin O'Brien, Dale Ahlquist, Joseph Pearce, Tom Martin. One way to transform the culture is to get men drinking and smoking again. "Transforming the Culture" was the theme of this year's Chesterton Conference in Rochester, New York, which 150 eager Chestertonians attended this past weekend. It was an [...]

Something for Human Beings2011-10-05T01:40:36-05:00
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