
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Coming Persecution


Here's the thing about being a Prophet. The trick is you don't peer into the future, you peer into the present. You simply take a look at what's going on around you, at the stuff everybody else sees but no one wants to notice. And you extrapolate. For instance, you gather the hints being thrown out [...]

The Coming Persecution2011-09-27T19:45:17-05:00

Persons of the Drama


PERSONA: 1. The name for the mask Greek actors would wear to portray their characters (possibly from Latin per+sona, "sound through", as their voices would "sound through" the speaking hole in the mask); 2. A character in a drama - plural "personae", as in "dramatis personae"; 3. The personality (persona-lity) we present to the world, our [...]

Persons of the Drama2011-09-21T17:56:13-05:00

Art since the Garden of Eden


If you want to return to the Garden of Eden, head to Kansas. It's right there in the town of Lucas on the High Plains. It's a quirky place, built by S. P. Dinsmoor, a Civil War veteran, who can only be described as a crank. The yard of his hand-built house, front and back, is [...]

Art since the Garden of Eden2011-09-15T15:46:19-05:00

Abortion and Terrorism


On Facebook today, I posted a comment made by Facebook friend Brian Douglass: On 9/11/01 3,000 people killed by people who abused the skills they have been taught was called terrorism and mass murder. On every day in this country the over 3,000 people who are killed legally by people who abuse the skills they have [...]

Abortion and Terrorism2011-09-12T15:42:53-05:00

The Magic of Theater


Amanda Card-McCoy as Patricia Carleon in Blackbird Theater's production of G. K. Chesterton's play Magic. There's a reason I don't go see live theater. I'm sick of it. Plus, it's almost always bad. And there's a reason I can't pay all of my bills every month. I'm an actor. I'm an actor who does lots of [...]

The Magic of Theater2011-09-02T15:31:42-05:00

Blessed Dominic Barberi


Happy Feast Day of Bl. Dominic Barberi! Barberi is the Passionist Priest who received Bl. John Henry Newman into the Catholic Church. Here I am on The Journey Home as Barberi telling his story.

Blessed Dominic Barberi2011-08-27T18:05:52-05:00

Trading a Transmission for an Indulgence


Stranded in Toledo. It was that bad. After a grueling month that was culminated by my actress Maria Romine falling in Lake Superior, we left the piercingly beautiful city of Duluth, Minnesota for our 18 hour drive to Monroe, New York to perform for the World Youth Day events of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate [...]

Trading a Transmission for an Indulgence2011-08-25T12:51:00-05:00

Getting in Character


Is the YOUCAT, the Youth Catechism, a work tantamount to heresy, as some on the internet are suggesting, or is it an effective tool of catechesis that talks to young people at their level? One answer to this question brings up one of the most profound analogies between Acting and the Faith. But first, let me [...]

Getting in Character2011-08-18T22:02:54-05:00

God Talking to Me


On Saturday we will present my play The Call at the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate in Monroe, New York. This is a play about vocations, and the difficulty of hearing God's call in a world filled with distractions. I wrote it at the suggestion of our friends at the Institute on Religious Life. And while [...]

God Talking to Me2011-08-17T21:55:05-05:00

My Wife Married an Actor


So my wife married an actor – me. I can’t tell you why, as I don’t know myself. We dated a long time, and she saw all the ups and downs – the years I made a living performing singing telegrams all over St. Louis dressed as a gorilla; the six weeks I made a living [...]

My Wife Married an Actor2011-08-13T14:46:26-05:00
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