
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

An Agnostic’s Prayer


A Christian friend of mine requested that I write a prayer she could pray with her agnostic husband. He is, like almost everyone we meet in the world today, turned off by the self-righteousness of many Christians who see Faith as an elite club they've joined, a club they can use to beat other people over [...]

An Agnostic’s Prayer2011-02-08T02:05:02-06:00

Bad Acting and Working Out Our Own Salvation


We've been talking much lately about "intentional disciples" and of the need for parishes to foster "true discipleship", to encourage the formation of capital D Disciples and not just neo-pagan lukewarm modernists disguised as Christians.  The problem is Wormwood pulls up a pew and says to us, in his cloying and flattering tone, "According to most [...]

Bad Acting and Working Out Our Own Salvation2011-02-06T22:49:15-06:00

The Sham-Christ


Our friend Stanford Nutting, liberal ex-theologian who Stands-for-Nothing, feels that the heart of the Christian faith can be summed up in the words, “Jesus was nice; you be nice, too.”  He has taught that in RCIA and CCD classes for decades as an ad-hoc DRE at suburban parishes, ever since he dropped out of seminary in [...]

The Sham-Christ2011-01-27T15:42:10-06:00

Promoting the good work of others


Joseph Pearce keeps reminding me that self-promotion is the heart and soul of show business, and he's right.  But in promoting my own stuff, I'm actually promoting the good work of others, especially when it comes to the Ignatius Press Critical Editions.  So here goes. The IP Critical Edition series are classic texts that are paired [...]

Promoting the good work of others2011-01-25T11:57:49-06:00

Romanticizing Chaos


In this current issue of the St. Austin Review, there's an article by me in which I mention a leftist I know who's devoted to a notion of what he calls "anarchy". By this he seems to mean not mere disorder and chaos, but the destruction of centralized order, and in its place an atomized order; [...]

Romanticizing Chaos2011-01-14T01:29:18-06:00

Fruits of Fiction - Cardinal Newman, Flannery O’Connor and the Unreal


The word is “unreal”. I had been looking for this word for a long time.  You see, we have a few odd linguistic quirks here in St. Louis, where I live.  For one thing, we use the word “hoosier” to mean “urban white trash” – the only place on earth where you’ll find this word used [...]

Fruits of Fiction - Cardinal Newman, Flannery O’Connor and the Unreal2011-01-03T16:12:51-06:00

Stuff to Read and Watch for Christmas


My latest comedy video on YouTube, "A Stanford Nutting Christmas" features liberal ex-seminarian Stanford Nutting hosting a holiday special with members of his family, including his radical traditionalist half-brother Bill Johnson, his televangelist cousin Rev. Cletus P. Love, and his cynical atheist grandma who worships the periodic table of the elements.  Click here and be prepared [...]

Stuff to Read and Watch for Christmas2010-12-30T18:25:47-06:00

Behold I Make All Things New


I know the Immaculate Conception is controversial as viewed from a Protestant perspective, but there is a Gospel analogy that supports it. Why would Mary, the most important woman in salvation history, "need" to be Immaculately Conceived, a "new creation" like Eve? Because you "can't put new wine in old wineskins" - Mat. 9:14-17, Mark 2:18-22, [...]

Behold I Make All Things New2010-12-06T15:36:40-06:00

Earthen Vessels


(A response to my friend Joe Grabowski's post here about the communion of saints.) At times like yesterday when I went to Holy Mass at a parish center that is used for Mass by a parish in Kansas that has abandoned its old traditional church and uses a meeting room with folding chairs and no [...]

Earthen Vessels2010-12-06T15:34:57-06:00

Formed in Formlessness


I have just begun a very interesting book called "The Heresy of Formlessness" by Martin Mosebach, translated from the German by Graham Harrison and published by ( ) Ignatius Press. The style is delightful and the writer writes with a self-conscious continental attitude that says, “I’m an artist and I see things differently and therefore I [...]

Formed in Formlessness2010-11-29T17:26:51-06:00
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