
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Television of the Word


Just a plug here for my television show, “The Theater of the Word”, which premieres this week on EWTN.  I am the host of a 13-part anthology series of Catholic drama, featuring performances by and interviews with folks from all over the States who are evangelizing through the dramatic arts. The series airs on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm [...]

Television of the Word2009-09-06T11:40:51-05:00

The Cultivation of Saints


Duluth, MinnesotaI’ve been coming to Duluth performing shows for about ten years now with my ragged assortment of actors.  There are glimpses of striking beauty around here, especially Split Rock Lighthouse, north of here, the most beautiful lighthouse on earth – placed high on a cliff above the waves crashing upon the shore of Lake Superior.  [...]

The Cultivation of Saints2009-08-26T13:17:17-05:00

A Culture of Life


I’ve been to the mountain and back again.That’s my report from the annual American Chesterton Society Conference.  That’s always my report.  The conference is a kind of Mount of Transfiguration where we see things more clearly than we do below; it is a place where lovers of Chesterton and lovers of the Lord he loved get [...]

A Culture of Life2009-08-16T11:51:21-05:00

The Virtue of Detachment


Detachment is an ugly word.  It carries the connotation of stoicism and cold-heartedness – perhaps even ruthlessness.  But what the saints mean by “detachment” is “renouncing possessiveness”.  Thus it is not wrong to be “attached” to people and things that we love (in other words to care for them and long for them), but if we [...]

The Virtue of Detachment2009-07-20T09:46:26-05:00

The Foolishness of Hope


We talk in these pages about our culture, which is clearly a Culture of Death.  But this is this because it is a Culture of Despair, a society that cultivates Despair and makes it bearable by making it fashionable and natural.Despair is opposed to Hope.  Have you ever pondered the attacks upon Hope in the modern [...]

The Foolishness of Hope2009-07-13T11:25:10-05:00

Bathroom Humor


Today is my daughter Kerry's 14th birthday.  In honor of her near total maturity, I present an article I wrote many years ago that's bound to embarrass her.  Ah, my favorite family tradition!  Sitting down to a fabulous meal at a restaurant with my wife and kids to celebrate some special event - it could be [...]

Bathroom Humor2009-07-04T02:41:03-05:00

The End of Civilization as We Know It


Last week I wrote of how my wife and daughter talked me into watching a movie on our DVD player -  and about how I walked out of the movie, which is easy to do when you’re sitting in the living room.This past weekend, my wife and I went to the cinema (it’s more fun to [...]

The End of Civilization as We Know It2009-06-23T11:29:41-05:00

What to Watch - and What to Watch Out For


Over the weekend, my wife and teenage daughter talked me into watching a movie with them that smelled a bit odd from the start.  It was some sort of movie about dangerous crabby curmudgeons (guy flick) who warm up to their nephew (chick flick), with the old coots played by Robert Duvall and Michael Caine (guy [...]

What to Watch - and What to Watch Out For2009-06-16T01:43:43-05:00

What Suits Us


"Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society." – Mark Twain Yesterday I went to the evening prayer service at the Cathedral Basilica in St. Louis to welcome our new archbishop, Robert Carlson.  There was a reception line after the service, where hundreds of us gathered to shake hands with the [...]

What Suits Us2009-06-11T13:34:23-05:00

Flannery O’Connor in the Desert


We were in Phoenix for Christmas, where my father has gone to retire.  It was Sunday, the 28th of December, and my stepmother had promised to take us on a real treat, a visit to Glendale Glitters, an outdoor holiday festival in the Arizona suburb of Glendale.  That morning my wife and kids and I had [...]

Flannery O’Connor in the Desert2009-06-02T13:42:35-05:00
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