
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

On the Road with Belloc and Paul


March 15, 2009 – Cleveland, OhioToday I performed my one-man Hilaire Belloc show at a parish in Akron.  This appeared to be a fairly typical suburban parish, albeit one with a solid priest – which means that, except for a few Chestertonians and literature buffs in the audience, no one really knew who Belloc was, and [...]

On the Road with Belloc and Paul2009-03-16T12:43:40-05:00

The Drama of Lent


March 11, 2009 – Columbus, OhioI don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m beginning to enjoy reading this StAR blog.  One of the themes you can pick up by perusing the posts is the struggles we all have with Lent – all of these devout Catholic intellectuals having trouble fasting from Graham Crackers!It reminds [...]

The Drama of Lent2009-03-11T17:22:29-05:00

The Acting Persons


March 10, 2009 – Columbus, Ohio Part of the mystery of God’s creation is Personhood.  Much of the New Paganism is an affirmation of a vague creator spirit, which has no personhood and therefore no will or reason.  How comforting to worship a benevolent sentimentality.  How frightening to encounter a Person!And we, too, are Persons – [...]

The Acting Persons2009-03-10T15:00:19-05:00

Adventures of the Theater of the Word Inc.


March 8, 2009 – Columbus, Ohio The blog which I am now beginning, at the gracious invitation of my friend Joseph Pearce, will be a recounting of my adventures on the road with my actors, who along with me are evangelizing through drama as part of my company, the Theater of the Word Incorporated.  We experience [...]

Adventures of the Theater of the Word Inc.2009-03-08T11:21:06-05:00
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