
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Mirror of Art


Joseph Pearce and I are honored to do quite a bit of work for EWTN, the worldwide Catholic television network, founded by Mother Angelica.  We often overlook the good that the Network does and the way it moves people around the world who watch it.  This is because months or even years can pass between when we [...]

The Mirror of Art2015-07-14T02:05:06-05:00

Holiness and Hashtags


George Takei and a cat We live in an age where all it takes to be good, right and morally superior is to change your Facebook profile picture. Hans Fiene writes of our generation and those that follow us ... More than we wanted to find the perfect prom date, we wanted to find our own [...]

Holiness and Hashtags2015-04-03T20:45:04-05:00

The Mysterious Virtue of Detachment


Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. (Mat. 10:37) These words of Jesus are about what the Church calls Detachment. ... which is not this Detachment is a cold word, and implies that [...]

The Mysterious Virtue of Detachment2015-03-18T23:54:42-05:00

“Fifty Shades of Grey” and the Islamic State


"Lose Control" the poster says. I think there is a connection between Fifty Shades of Grey and the Islamic State, and it's not the obvious one: the fact that devout Muslims, like devout Christians, would see sexual perversion and pornography as decadent and sinful.  No, there's something deeper than that. Concerning Fifty Shades of Grey, I recently [...]

“Fifty Shades of Grey” and the Islamic State2015-02-18T04:44:05-06:00

When the Devils Win


I had just come from an experience that preyed upon me in ways that are hard to describe.  I had seen a common sight - the true Faith knocked down and a false one set mockingly in its place.  I often see this at suburban Masses, but today I saw it up close, outside of Mass. [...]

When the Devils Win2015-02-12T17:51:37-06:00

Love vs. Nihilism in “King Lear”


Yours truly overacting as King Lear. Over at the Christian Shakespeare, I've been given permission to reprint an essay from Logos by Shakespeare scholar Ken Colston on how sacrificial love redeems nihilism in Shakespeare's King Lear.  Colston sees Lear as a fully Catholic play, and unpacks its Christian elements, using C. S. Lewis, G. K. Chesterton [...]

Love vs. Nihilism in “King Lear”2015-01-29T00:17:52-06:00

How to Find Communion in a Church that Doesn’t Care


G. K. Chesterton In the comment section of my most recent post on the clergy sex scandal, reader Michael R. asks … Got any advice for a Catholic who doesn’t know where to stand with the clergy? Should one’s Church life merely consist of the sacramental life, and taking clergy’s statements with a pinch of salt? [...]

How to Find Communion in a Church that Doesn’t Care2015-01-26T22:43:21-06:00

Tolkien on Mortality, Myth and More


Here are some clips of an excellent special recently aired by EWTN, in which I portray J. R. R. Tolkien, and in which author Joseph Pearce describes the Catholic elements of The Lord of the Rings.  Everything I say as Tolkien are word-for-word quotations from his writings.  The special also features artwork by Jef Murray.  As [...]

Tolkien on Mortality, Myth and More2015-01-22T21:17:02-06:00

Heart Speaks to Heart - with Miraculous Grace


From left to right around the table: Dale Ahlquist, Deacon Jack Sullivan, me, my son Colin, my wife Karen, our friend Jane Davies. I've known Deacon Jack Sullivan for many years.  I got together with him again this past weekend, and he left with me a document that I'll be quoting from.  It's an account of [...]

Heart Speaks to Heart - with Miraculous Grace2015-01-14T21:42:17-06:00

My Eurekas Spring Forth


Downtown Eureka Springs, Arkansas I am writing this late at night in Eureka Springs, Arkansas, one of the most charming and bizarre places on Earth.  And so I pass along a few observations, which may or may not be "eureka!" worthy ... Fidelity to our vocations is part of fidelity to Christ.  Our identities are tied [...]

My Eurekas Spring Forth2015-01-13T20:14:33-06:00
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