
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

Inside Out - Actors and Catholics


I have known some actors who have an extrinsic view of their careers.  In other words, they see their success in show business as a kind of thing an actor acquires, an adornment, a sort of garment to be put on - and they seek with tireless energy the luck that will throw them that garment. [...]

Inside Out - Actors and Catholics2015-01-11T02:04:43-06:00

The Magical Thinking of Devout Catholics


There was a potential murder mystery client that I was hoping to land.  He had worked with every other murder mystery company around, and at that time there were three or four others in St. Louis.  They all told me the same thing, “The man is impossible to work for.”  None of them lasted more than [...]

The Magical Thinking of Devout Catholics2014-12-31T08:46:52-06:00

The Movie and the Meta-Movie: Reflections on “The Interview”


People don’t realize how important we are to freedom.  The first thing a totalitarian society suppresses is its comedians. – Groucho Marx John Lennon said something similar, which was that nobody would ever take him seriously enough to try to assassinate him the way they assassinate politicians, because he and Yoko were just fools – just [...]

The Movie and the Meta-Movie: Reflections on “The Interview”2014-12-31T08:40:02-06:00

Voegelin and the Two Ways


I am in the midst of reading a number of excellent books, including several by Eric Voegelin, a brilliant writer, who has been recommended to me before.  Blog reader Marianne Bacon is the latest to suggest him – and I’m glad she did, as I’ve been devouring whatever ebooks I could find of his since last [...]

Voegelin and the Two Ways2014-12-31T08:38:53-06:00

The Motto of Liberal Catholics: “Let’s Get the Green Beans Off the Buffet!”


One of the readers of my latest post (It’s Not the Abuse Crisis – It’s the Neglect Crisis) somehow got it into his head that I was making the claim that only the liberals are to blame for the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Church – which would be a pretty insane position for me to [...]

The Motto of Liberal Catholics: “Let’s Get the Green Beans Off the Buffet!”2014-12-24T00:49:14-06:00

It’s Not the Abuse Crisis - It’s the Neglect Crisis


The Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church, horrible as it is, is simply the flip side of the Neglect Crisis in the Catholic Church. What do I mean? I mean that Neglect is a form of Abuse, and for the past fifty years, bishops, priests and lay Catholics have been neglecting the Faith, and the Vatican [...]

It’s Not the Abuse Crisis - It’s the Neglect Crisis2014-12-23T01:38:18-06:00

Elves, Hobbits, Men and DVDs


There are two projects I've done with EWTN that, in my opinion, are the best things the Network has done, from a production and creative point of view.  The first is our Father Brown movie, The Honor of Israel Gow.  And the second is the show I mentioned the other day, Tolkien's "The Lord of the [...]

Elves, Hobbits, Men and DVDs2014-12-18T14:58:04-06:00

Elves, Hobbits and Men


I just saw one of the very best things EWTN has ever done. "Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings: Elves, Hobbits and Men", hosted by Joseph Pearce and featuring yours truly as J. R. R. Tolkien, with artwork by Jef Murray, directed by Michael Masny, is a brilliant production.  Sadly, if you didn't catch it or [...]

Elves, Hobbits and Men2014-12-17T14:59:34-06:00

What Is “What-Is”?


Here’s something Flannery O’Connor said, “What the fiction writer will discover, if he discovers anything at all, is that he himself cannot move or mold reality in the interests of abstract truth.  The writer learns, perhaps more quickly than the reader, to be humble in the face of what-is.  What-is is all he has to do [...]

What Is “What-Is”?2014-12-12T08:56:54-06:00

Jesus vs. the Dragon Sickness


"The dragon sickness serves the same purpose in The Hobbit as the Ring serves in The Lord of the Rings. It represents the addictive attraction of sin and its destructive consequences, best summarized in an understanding that the thing possessed possesses the possessor -- or, as the Gospel says, where our treasure is, there our heart [...]

Jesus vs. the Dragon Sickness2014-12-07T20:02:02-06:00
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