
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Day I Divorced Facebook the Hussy


“Doctor, I’m in a dysfunctional relationship.” “Tell me about it.” “She’s abusive to me and I can’t trust her.” “What’s the woman’s name?” “Facebook.” […]

The Day I Divorced Facebook the Hussy2014-12-06T07:58:40-06:00

Sex and the Virus that Makes Us Mad


Babylon was a gold cup in the LORD’s hand, making the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore, the nations go mad.  (Jer. 51:7) It’s like a virus, this thing.  It infects you.  We drink of the wine of Babylon and we go mad.  We don’t just get drunk, we go mad. [...]

Sex and the Virus that Makes Us Mad2014-12-04T22:57:07-06:00

“Affection at a Distance” vs. the Point of the Piercing of Christ


There is nothing cheaper than affection at a distance. We can love the poor, as long as we don't have to deal with them up close.  We can love our neighbor, as long as he stays on his side of the privacy fence. And we can love God as long as He's not among us, as [...]

“Affection at a Distance” vs. the Point of the Piercing of Christ2014-11-28T10:03:30-06:00

Conferences, Performances and Events in 2015


In addition to the murder mystery dinner theater shows, which I perform somewhere in the U.S. every weekend, you can catch me doing things that are a bit more dignified, such as ... *** The St. Louis Marian Conference, Jan. 9 - 11, 2015.  I'll be speaking on Bl. John Henry Newman.  Also at the conference [...]

Conferences, Performances and Events in 20152014-11-25T22:57:02-06:00

The Suburban Parish and the Heresy of Inconsequentialism


I have come to a conclusion.  Most Catholics don't believe in God. At least they don't believe in the Christian God, the God who became man to save us from sin and who died on a cross and rose again, calling us to participate in a life of sacrifice until He comes to call us to [...]

The Suburban Parish and the Heresy of Inconsequentialism2014-11-17T21:54:17-06:00

Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex - oh, and Love


Most modern people don't think highly enough of sex. That sounds crazy, but let me explain. One of my regular readers gets regularly mad at me when I make the analogy between adultery and "gay sex".  Her point is that a sexual orientation is something you just can't help, and it defines who you are, and [...]

Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex Sex - oh, and Love2014-10-23T04:47:05-05:00

Marriage, Divorce and the Modern Mind


The St. Louis Post-Dispatch published an article over the weekend that examines the case of a divorced couple, with the ex-husband seeking an annulment over the ex-wife's objections. The ex-wife, a Protestant, is not at all bothered that her husband divorced her and "re-married", contrary to the clear teachings of Jesus Christ.  The thought of renouncing [...]

Marriage, Divorce and the Modern Mind2014-10-23T04:42:02-05:00

Approaching what is Real: Don Quixote, God, and the Rest of Us


For they had bartered the reality of God for what is unreal, and had offered divine honors and religious service to created things, rather than to the Creator--He who is for ever blessed. Amen. (Rom. 1:25) As we drive around the country performing murder mystery dinner theater shows, my actress Maria Romine and I listen to [...]

Approaching what is Real: Don Quixote, God, and the Rest of Us2014-10-19T02:44:56-05:00

How I Found Religion - or - How Religion Found Me


Rod Dreher is asking for readers to submit stories on "How I Found Religion".  Since today happens to be an anniversary date for me in that regard, I posted the following ... Kevin O'Brien says: Your comment is awaiting moderation. September 23, 2014 at 4:13 pm At the age of nine I saw Madeline Murray O’Hair, the [...]

How I Found Religion - or - How Religion Found Me2014-09-23T21:54:51-05:00
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