
About Kevin O'Brien

Kevin O'Brien is the founder and artistic director of the Theater of the Word Incorporated, which tours the world evangelizing through drama. He and his actors appear on several EWTN television programs, with video clips featured on O'Brien's website, Kevin's autobiography, A Bad Actor's Guide to the Meaning of Life, will be published soon by ACS Press.

The Law of Love


This is what the Law is all about, right??? I am always surprised at how most people, and probably most Christians, think of God's Commandments and of all morality as arbitrary.  This is why they think "gay marriage" can exist.  We moderns think all law is man made, all rules and regulations are simply pulled out [...]

The Law of Love2014-09-17T23:55:55-05:00

New Archaeological Find! The Third Epistle of Peter!!!


The New Testament contains two Epistles by St. Peter.  A third one was recently discovered, but some are doubting its authenticity.  It appears to have been written during Jesus active ministry ... *** Peter, Apostle of Jesus Christ, to the Other Eleven and to Various Disciples. May God bless you all.  I give thanks always and [...]

New Archaeological Find! The Third Epistle of Peter!!!2014-09-16T20:48:52-05:00

Anonymous Saints: What is God About?


My friend Joe Grabowski sends along another example in my Anonymous Saints series. This is the story of a 99-year old woman who makes a new dress every day and donates it to a needy child in Africa. Now, I can't help but think that my son, Colin O'Brien, who is an exact clone of me, [...]

Anonymous Saints: What is God About?2014-09-02T00:51:10-05:00

The Real Desecration of Marriage


She was one of the presenters at a "Journey of Faith" class that my wife and I were taking, back when we were looking into becoming Episcopalians. She told the following story. When my friends Amy and Bob got married, I made a tapestry for them that had their names "Amy and Bob" on it, in [...]

The Real Desecration of Marriage2014-08-29T22:51:02-05:00

Hearts of Flesh and the Personal Dimension of Salvation


We are not saved by a system.  We are not saved by a program.  We are not saved by a gimmick. We are saved by a person.  And by His death, which was the most personal gift He could give. This is why heart must speak to heart (as I wrote, quoting Bl. John Henry Newman, [...]

Hearts of Flesh and the Personal Dimension of Salvation2014-08-25T00:15:59-05:00

The Scandal of Coffee and Donuts


Canon Ueda (who has been giving Private Instruction to my actor Dave, a recent convert to the Catholic Faith) told Dave this morning that it was not enough to go to Sunday Mass at St. Francis de Sales Oratory in South St. Louis, where Dave has been going.  He had to start going to Coffee and [...]

The Scandal of Coffee and Donuts2014-08-24T15:47:34-05:00

Show Biz and the Divine Drama


Mark Shea has written a third installment in his series on the connection between Drama and Religion, which you can find at Catholic World Report.  Since I've written about this topic myself (mostly from the point of view of actors, or the analogy between Acting and the Faith), I thought I'd add a few things to [...]

Show Biz and the Divine Drama2014-08-22T20:14:56-05:00

I’m Just Down the Road from Ferguson, Missouri


In fact, here's the cake in Ferguson, Missouri that Karen and I photographed in June.  It's in the revived downtown, which is filled with local shops, black and white owners, a charming area. The cake is to the right, above the bench. The situation in Ferguson is complex, and I'll add what I can as a [...]

I’m Just Down the Road from Ferguson, Missouri2014-08-21T01:39:37-05:00

You Can’t “Program” Salvation


In Flannery O'Connor's short stories, the grace of God is shown to operate in shocking and disturbing ways.  For Flannery, the door to salvation opens the moment our own selfish walls are cracked (usually violently), allowing God's grace to rush in - along with horror and remorse, which are aspects of Awe and of the Fear [...]

You Can’t “Program” Salvation2014-08-19T20:17:15-05:00

Muzak for the Spirit


I have been on the road with my actress Maria and her husband for a while now.  We are ending up a tour of nine shows in ten days in four states. Today we find ourselves in a small town in Minnesota off the interstate.  We made the mistake of going to Sunday Mass, as we [...]

Muzak for the Spirit2014-08-17T23:32:01-05:00
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