A friend sent me this link to a BBC documentary on sacred music. Narrator Beale remarks early in the film that there is strangely little biographical information on Tallis. The great English composer was a secret Catholic under Henry, Edward, and Elizabeth Tudor. One can’t help but think of Shakespeare, almost certainly a Catholic, about whose private life there is a near black-out of information. Later, he comments that the musicians had chosen not to leave themselves to posterity—but their music, which is some of the most beautiful in England’s history. Like Shakespeare, their faith shines through and survives in their art.

Particularly exquisite is Byrd’s Mass for Four Voices, his response to the death of Edmund Campion. It’s worth watching just to hear Tallis’s early music, before Henry, when he was allowed to compose as he wished, then his later music, under Elizabeth, stripped of all ethereal beauty, rendered plain, and necessarily containing praises to the Queen.
