Not too very long ago, Joseph posted a link to the First Things website and an article by Dana Gioia, “The Catholic Writer.” I followed the link and found the article substantial, comprehensive, and actually quite definitive of the peculiar situation, and the cultural context of that situation in which today’s Catholic writers find themselves. Authoritative prognosis and prescription are included. Consequently, I made a follow-up post on the subject. Now, Wiseblood Books, a new, young, Catholic publishing company, has published the essay in its entirety in a booklet form. (Apparently, we were not the only ones impressed by the essay.) For both writers and readers, and anyone else who may be interested, the paperbound 33-page booklet is available for a mere $5 from Wiseblood Books. For all those who complain, lament, bemoan, or just regret, it should be required reading.