I just came across the news that Dr. Kenneth Howell, who had been fired from his position as a professor at the University of Illinois on the complaint of a student, has been reinstated. The link is here:


I don’t know the circumstances of the reinstatement, but it seems very possible that the ideal of academic freedom of thought and speech still lives in America.

As I wrote in a previous essay, On the Right Side, we are at war. The battles go on within our schools and universities, on public platforms and in the voting booths. Thank God they are not for the most part physically violent confrontations, but the issues at stake are as momentous as those of military campaigns. They have to do with our survival as a moral, and therefore hopeful, society.

Please keep watching and praying, and where you can, take an active part. Avoid bitterness. Try to make friends of enemies. Hope always. Not every battle will be lost.