I came across a video today that shows something of the vast crowd of people who have come to view and venerate a relic of the Blessed Virgin in Russia. You can see it here:


The fervor, faith and devotion of the people are striking and most moving. But the story also reports that certain cars pulled up to the Cathedral with sirens screaming, and the occupants went to the head of a kilometers long line, much to the justified indignation of others.

Is it surprising that some of us have no idea how our humble and self-giving Blessed Mother should be honored? We are still, as human beings, stuck up to our necks in our boggy, glutinous self-important ignorance. When we think of holiness we think of power, not renunciation.

May our faith in God’s love give us the strength to renounce our useless human faith in power, and to take up our faith in God’s unconquerable love.