On Monday, February 11 (Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes), my actress Maria Romine will be featured on Marcus Grodi’s program, The Journey Home on EWTN.  She will be telling the story of her conversion from  being Presbyterian to being Catholic, a journey I’m proud to say that Theater of the Word Incorporated and I played a large role in.  In fact, I was Maria’s sponsor when she was received into the Church a few years back.

Maria Romine on the set of The Journey Home

Maria is a very sweet person (except when she’s driving and she encounters toll booths), an excellent actress, and a good friend.  Her story will be well worth watching.

Then, this coming summer, The Journey Home will air an episode featuring me as Orestes Brownson, 19th Century American author and Catholic convert.  I will be telling “my” journey (Brownson’s journey) into the Catholic Church.  Brownson is a fascinating man – America’s John Henry Newman, in my opinion – and this will also make for a fascinating program.  In addition, I will be portraying Orestes Brownson at this year’s Portsmouth Institute Conference at Portsmouth Abbey School in June.

Follow this blog or sign up for my newsletter for reminders, which I’ll pass along as we get closer.

I’m proud, then, of three things …

  • My role (by God’s grace) in Maria’s conversion.
  • The fact that this will be my fifth appearance on The Journey Home
  • The beard that I will have to grow or buy to portray Orestes Brownson.  Once I have this beard, I’ll easily get booking as a Rutherford B. Hayes look-a-like!  And there’s a market for that.  Maybe.
Orestes Brownson as Orestes Brownson – but not for long!