“Mock them [the Catholics[,” he told the crowd. “Ridicule them! In public!”


So Dawkins encouraged the crowd at the “Reason Rally,” a meeting of some 20,000 atheist activists in Washington, D.C.


Reactions to such carrying-on might range from horror to boredom. It’s almost tempting to say, “Oh, get a life.” That may or may not be the appropriate reaction, but I think it’s more fitting than horror. 


If there’s to be open verbal persecution of the Church, it doesn’t happen without divine permission. As Christ said to Pilate, “You would have no power over me were it not given you from above.” History has shown repeatedly—without exception, in fact—that the Church not only outlives her persecutors, but grows and thrives, while the persecutors themselves are relegated to a region of pathos that history seems to reserve especially for those who were so sure they could wipe her out. 


After all, look what happened as a result of Pilate’s “power”.

It could be—we don’t know—that Pilate was converted. It may well be that Dawkins will be converted. A reading of the rest of his remarks will sound familiar to many converts who once were atheists themselves:
