Here’s a run down of the past 72 hours.

  • On Thursday, I worked from 7:30 am to 6:00 pm recording and editing the audio book version of In His Image by James Beau-Seigneur.  This is exhausting, as it requires sitting in one position and performing all the characters and reading aloud for (in this case) 10 1/2 hours.  I have to pull marathon sessions like this, as the deadline is looming and I’m rather busy with other stuff (as you’ll see below).
  • At 6:00 pm I auditioned an actor.  He showed up at the front door and I noticed his car was still running in the driveway.  “Is someone in your car or are you just going to keep it running?” I asked him.  “That’s my husband, George,” he answered.  “He’ll just wait for me.”
  • After a quick dinner, I answered emails and dealt with the issue of recasting two shows to replace an actress who just discovered she’s pregnant – five months pregnant (something the gay guy who auditioned for me and his “husband George” won’t ever have to worry about).  She’ll be seven and eight months along by the time the shows are performed.  To replace her, I’ll probably have to fly in an actress from Kansas City for at least one of the shows.
  • At 8:30 pm rehearsal began for The Valentine Dialogues, which I am directing.  Gary, Dave and Maria are in this show, and they all are doing an excellent job.  We rehearsed until 10:30.
  • Up early on Friday to fit in as much work as possible before heading to Ladue to tutor a homeschool student.  I am teaching her a little bit of everything – and all day Friday it was Geometry.
  • I ended tutoring a bit early, had a quick lunch in the car and drove 3 hours to Higginsville, MO, where I checked in to the Super Eight.
  • From Higginsville, I drove another hour to Liberty, MO where my actress and I performed Pretty Woman of Death at Belvoir Winery, north of Kansas City.  It was about 10 degrees outside and the heat was not working in our performance space at the winery.  So I helped the manager set up table and chairs in a rush in a room in the warm part of the building as people were arriving.
  • Quickly went over lines with my actress, Jamie, backstage.  She had never done this show before.  Realized at the last minute that I was missing a costume piece, a neck tie.  Had to wear a bow tie instead.
  • Finished the show and drove one hour back to Higginsville.  Slept – sort of – at the Super Eight.  It probably got below zero at night.
  • Got up and worked from 8:30 am to 10:00 am, mostly answering emails and entering email addresses from folks who signed up for our newsletter the night before.
  • At 10:00, I drove to Arcadian Moon Winery for a quick sales meeting with a new client.
  • Then I drove 3 hours to St. Louis.  A guy on the interstate cut me off, pulling right in front of me while changing lanes.  When I honked at him, he flipped me off.  Arrived home at 1:00 pm.
  • Gulped down lunch between 1:00 and 1:15.
  • At 1:15, actress Maria Romine showed up and she and I loaded my sound system into the back seat of my car.
  • Drove 2 hours to Kokopelli Golf Club in Carbondale, IL with Maria, while listening to most of the chapters of the audio book I recorded.
  • Arrived at Kokopelli.  Carted in speakers, amp, wireless headset mikes and other gear, set up and tested sound for Gary and Julie’s performance of Who Wants to Murder a Millionaire later that night.
  • Left Kokopelli and drove to the Carbondale Goodwill.  Bought a new jacket for one of the characters I was portraying tonight at Pheasant Hollow Winery in Whittington, IL.
  • Drove a half hour to Pheasant Hollow.  Performed Pretty Woman of Death – this time with Maria.  Ate dinner in the storage closet (which is our green room) during intermission.  The show went very well and Maria got a standing ovation from two horny old guys in the corner, who liked both her acting and her costume (she plays a prostitute).  
  • Talked to Gary, who said the show went well at Kokopelli and that he was tearing down the sound system and taking it back to his place – since he’ll need it in Peoria on Saturday for the Theater of the Word show there. 
  • Drove 2 hours home to St. Louis, still listening to In His Image.  Apparently I recorded 11 chapters and about 6 hours of material this week.
  • Got home at about 11:00 pm.  First chance to rest since 7:30 in the morning last Thursday.  The cat was crying in the basement.  Nobody had fed her.  “Kerry,” I said to my daughter, “would you feed the cat – I’m kind of worn out.”
Next week – more tutoring, audio recording and producing, another rehearsal, gathering costumes and props for next weekend’s shows, another drive to Kansas City and back and a flight to Arizona to see my dad and check out a winery that wants us to perform there.
Meanwhile, I have to go to bed – to get up early for Mass!