Simcha Fisher asks “Is It Really Okay To Laugh About Sex?” at

It’s an antidote to toxic sexual seriousness.

I’ve always believed that it isn’t just “some” people who are romantic. We all are. Some of us know it. A few of us admit it. It’s like alcoholism: If you don’t acknowledge it, it destroys you. Those who don’t are those whom it wakes at three a.m. on a dark and stormy night and never allows them to sleep again. Like alcoholism, it’s one of those things whose power increases in direct proportion to one’s denial of it.

And further, anyone who scoffs at another’s romanticism is just asking for it. One could almost believe that the scoffer deserves what he inevitably gets if it weren’t for the exorcism of fear and pity he provides us with. We end up saying, “There but for the grace of God [and a sense of humor] . . . .”