This was written last July…but never posted. It contains a BBC interview with the architect. Now, here it is almost November and the architect’s concerns were never addressed. Update: the wall of the tunnel is only 75 cm from the support wall of the church, and the Spanish government says they “cleared it with the United Nations.” Huh?

Sagrada Familia in Danger

The Church of the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona was designed by Gaudi 128 years ago. It is evidence that departure from Gothic is not what believers complain about in modern church design. (“Ugly” is the cause of their complaint.) La Sagrada Familia is beautiful.

It was never finished. Now, it’s nearing completion, scheduled for the Pope’s visit there in November. But architect Jordi Bonet is alarmed: The Spanish government is building a high speed railway tunnel less than two meters from the church wall. The tunnel will put the structure at a very serious risk. “Why?” he asks. “Is it because it’s a Catholic church?” He suspects that “…a few people do not like [the fact] that a Catholic church is the most important thing in Barcelona.” The wall of the highspeed railway tunnel risks not only the cathedral but also the lives of the many tourists who visit every day. He frantically worries about why no one is listening to him….