Hey, I finally figured out how to add a RECURRING DONATION BUTTON to our Theater of the Word website!!!

Theater of the Word Incorporated is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation and your donations are tax deductible.

Please support the work we do, which includes …

I support myself and my family through the dinner theater shows we produce as part of Upstage Productions.  Theater of the Word has never made a profit, and in fact drains quite a bit of the O’Brien family resources.  It does not pay me a salary.  Just the opposite – I pay it!
So please see your way toward helping us – even $5 a month would go a long way.
Click here to go to our website.  You’ll see the DONATE button on the left near the top.  You may use any major credit card or Paypal.
Thank you.  And remember Lent is about almsgiving!!!!  Just give them some alms to me.