Get Joseph Pearce’s talk Small is Beautiful: The Resurrection of Chestertonian Economics free!

Starting today the American Chesterton Society is offering a downloadable mp3 of Joseph Pearce’s talk from the 26th Annual Chesterton Conference, for free! That’s right, for the next 72 hours (offer ends on Friday) you can download the talk at no cost.

In 1973, Oxford-trained economist E.F. Schumacher’s book Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered challenged conventional doctrines of economic growth as untenable, particularly in a world of finite resources. Schumacher proposed human-scale, sustainable economies based on models of decentralization and appropriate technology. Today, Small is Beautiful ranks among the top 100 books of the 20th century.

28 years following Schumacher’s publication, best-selling author Joseph Pearce revisited Schumacher’s groundbreaking work in his book, Small is Still Beautiful: Economics as if Families Mattered, which revealed the relevance of the Schumacher thesis in our age of technological expansion and economic concentration.

National Catholic Register calls Small is Still Beautiful, “arguably Pearce’s most personal and passionate work.”

Dale Ahlquist says it is “A wake-up call. This book is a primer on what is wrong with our basic economic principles and on what we need to do to re-think them.”

Kirkpatrick Sale, author of Human Scale said, “small is indeed still beautiful, and Pearce wanders through economics, marketing, democracy, ecology, technology, cooperatives, the European Union, and many other Schumacherian subjects showing how and why.”

Remember, this offer is only available for the next 72 hours and will expire, Friday, the 1st of April.

To order the free download of Joseph Pearce’s talk, click here.

Ordering instructions. To order the free download of Joseph Pearce’s talk, simply register, complete the “purchase” as a phone order, and an email link will be sent to you for a one-time only download. Please note, processing may take up to 12 hours.