At one time, the Church forbade cremation because it was a pagan rite. I don’t know when that got changed, but it did. Now, it’s okay, and these days, cremation is the favored way to get disposed of. I don’t think the Church had anything to do with that change; after all, I haven’t noticed any overriding concern of the public about what the Church approves of or doesn’t—so it’s just a coincidence. But why is cremation now the favored way?


Money, for one thing. Cremation is a lot cheaper. And for survivors, there’s a lovely finality about it that’s just missing with an actual gravesite, which, some people feel, needs tending, visiting, and all that. But the main reason is—well, it’s just so romantic. You can get scattered over the beach This has become so popular that I think some beaches might now be a little suspect. You might want to check the relative grayness of that sand. Or perhaps the mountains, perhaps your tomato patch in the backyard—wherever you want. The idea, of course, is to get scattered over the place that was most meaningful to you, that brought you the most joy in your life.


So now it’s happened. Someone has had their ashes scattered at the mall. No kidding.

If you’re an avid shopper, well, go for it….I guess.