Very often, in the comment boxes of a blog, I’ll come across a reference to a “sky fairy”, or a “sky god.”  Supposedly, we Catholics worship such a deity, at least according to the beliefs of the atheists who post their comments.

I’ve been a Catholic for a good many years, and I’ve never come across anyone who believes in a sky fairy. I keep imagining a meeting with these commenters in which I ask them, “Do you know much about Catholicism?” Perhaps it will happen one of these days.

God does not live on a cloud. He is not a fifty-thousand-foot tall man with a forty-thousand-foot beard. Somehow, although He transcends all human perceptual categories of time and space, He also presents Himself to us on Earth as the consecrated Host, the consecrated wine. He lived on Earth as a young man who worked, taught, performed deeds, and died in an earthly city called Jerusalem. 

I find that more mind-blowing than anything I can imagine, because the mixing of categories, the merging of what we know and what we can intuit, is just what I would expect of the mystery of reality. And as I and you were formed out of dead matter and came to life, so He recapitulated that miracle for us by coming to life once more, for once and for all.



Appointments with the Great Amen
On Sunday mornings
How like small children on a visit
To an old relation
We bring small gifts of string and paper
To wrap our souls within

Wrapped so artfully
Fastened tightly so
It takes some time for us to loosen them
Daily nightly
We pull the wrapping strings and make the gift

He wraps them up again
So patiently, the Great I Am, amen